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 menupdframe()       Define a frame type for pulldown menus

   proc menupdframe extern
   param value int iMode

   iMode is the frame type id.


   This function defines the frame type to be drawn around a vertical sub-
   menu in a pull-down menu system.

   The iMode argument controls the box type:

     0 - no frame
     1 - single line
     2 - double line

   The default is "no frame".

   #define EXAMPLE_MENU
   #include example.hdr

   // Defines for the prompt Id's of the main menu, and for the pMenu[] array
   // indices.
   #define MNU_MAIN     0
   #define MNU_FILE     1
   #define MNU_EDIT     2
   #define MNU_VIEW     3
   #define MNU_OPTIONS  4
   #define MNU_HELP     5
   // Defines for the prompt Id's of the sub-menus.
   // File menu Id's
   #define FILE_NEW     1
   #define FILE_OPEN    2
   #define FILE_SAVE    3
   #define FILE_SAVE_AS 4
   #define FILE_PRINT   5
   #define FILE_QUIT    6
   // File - Save as sub-sub-menu Id's
   #define SAVE_AS_ASC  1
   #define SAVE_AS_BIN  2
   // Edit menu Id's
   #define EDIT_CUT     1
   #define EDIT_COPY    2
   #define EDIT_PASTE   3
   #define EDIT_SEEK    4
   #define EDIT_NEXT    5
   // View menu Id's
   #define VIEW_TABLE   1
   #define VIEW_RECORD  2
   // Options menu Id's
   #define OPT_SORT     1
   #define OPT_COLOR    2
   #define OPT_PRINT    3
   #define OPT_SCREEN   4
   // Help menu Id's
   #define HLP_MANUAL   1
   #define HLP_ABOUT    2
   // This array holds the menu root pointers
   //   pMenu[0]            holds the main menu pointer,
   //   pMenu[1]...pMenu[5] hold the sub-menu pointers
   // Note that the indices to the elements holding the sub-menus are
   // identical to their Id's in the main menu.
      _MENU pMenu[6]
   // The sub-menu "executor" functions.
   // NOTE: In a "real life application", the procedures will call or execute
   //       additional code which handles the various operations.
   //       Here, we only activate and de-activate some prompt items (except
   //       for the FILE_PRINT prompt, where we perform a little delay to
   //       simulate printing).
   // The function return value controls if the associated sub-menu shall be
   // closed (.f.), or not (.t.).
   func logical FileFunc
   param value _MENU pMenu, value uint nId
      logical lRet
   lRet := .f.
   do case
   case nId == FILE_NEW
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_SAVE,    .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_SAVE_AS, .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_PRINT,   .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_NEW,     .f., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_OPEN,    .f., .t. )
   case nId == FILE_OPEN
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_SAVE,    .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_SAVE_AS, .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_PRINT,   .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_NEW,     .f., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_OPEN,    .f., .t. )
   case nId == FILE_SAVE
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_NEW,     .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_OPEN,    .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_SAVE,    .f., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_SAVE_AS, .f., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_PRINT,   .f., .t. )
   case nId == FILE_SAVE_AS
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_NEW,     .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_OPEN,    .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_SAVE,    .f., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_SAVE_AS, .f., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, FILE_PRINT,   .f., .t. )
   case nId == FILE_PRINT
      @ 15, 2 ?? "printing..."
      @ 15, 2 ?? "           "
      lRet := .t.
   // Here, we "fake" an Esc key to quit the program from the main menu
   case nId == FILE_QUIT
      keyint( K_ESC )
   return lRet
   func logical EditFunc
   param value _MENU pMenu, value uint nId
   do case
   case nId == EDIT_CUT
      menusetactive( pMenu, EDIT_PASTE, .t., .t. )
   case nId == EDIT_COPY
      menusetactive( pMenu, EDIT_PASTE, .t., .t. )
   case nId == EDIT_PASTE
   case nId == EDIT_SEEK
      menusetactive( pMenu, EDIT_NEXT, .t., .t. )
   case nId == EDIT_NEXT
   return .f.
   func logical ViewFunc
   param value _MENU pMenu, value uint nId
   do case
   // Note that the order of calls to menusetactive() is important here.
   // As this sub-menu only has two items, it is important to first acti-
   // vate an item, and them de-activate the other item because de-acti-
   // vating an item automatically makes the next or previous item current.
   // If you would de-activate one of the two items first, there would be
   // no active item at all, i.e. no item could be set current.
   case nId == VIEW_TABLE
      menusetactive( pMenu, VIEW_RECORD, .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, VIEW_TABLE,  .f., .t. )
   case nId == VIEW_RECORD
      menusetactive( pMenu, VIEW_TABLE,  .t., .t. )
      menusetactive( pMenu, VIEW_RECORD, .f., .t. )
   return .f.
   func logical OptFunc
   param value _MENU pMenu, value uint nId
   return .f.
   func logical HelpFunc
   param value _MENU pMenu, value uint nId
   return .f.
   // This is the "executor" for the "File" - "Save as..." sub-sub-menu.
   // Note that it changes the active status of items in the "parent menu".
   func logical SaveAsFunc
   param value _MENU pxMenu, value uint nId
   menusetactive( pMenu[MNU_FILE], FILE_NEW,     .t., .t. )
   menusetactive( pMenu[MNU_FILE], FILE_OPEN,    .t., .t. )
   menusetactive( pMenu[MNU_FILE], FILE_SAVE,    .f., .t. )
   menusetactive( pMenu[MNU_FILE], FILE_SAVE_AS, .f., .t. )
   menusetactive( pMenu[MNU_FILE], FILE_PRINT,   .f., .t. )
   return .f.
   proc Test_menupdframe
      uint    i
      _MENU pSubSub
   // We need this now because of the new default for the hot-key handling.
   menusethot( .t. )
   @  3, 0 ?? "Menu demo with nested pull-down menus."
   @  5, 0 ?? "To see how nested menus work, select 'File' - 'New', and then"
   @  6, 0 ?? "'File' - 'Save as...' for another sub-menu."
   @  7, 0 ?? "Also note how certain prompts get active, and non-active,"
   @  8, 0 ?? "depending on your selections."
   @  9, 0 ?? "Select 'File' - 'Quit' to end the demo."
     Structure of the menu system
     File       Edit        View      Options       Help
     |          |           |         |             |
     |-New      |-Cut       |-Table   |-Sort order  |-On-line manual
     |          |           |         |             |
     |-Open     |-Copy      +-Record  |-Colors      +-About
     |          |                     |
     |-Save     |-Paste               |-Printer
     |          |                     |
     |-Save as  |-Find                +-Screen size
     | |        |
     | |-ASCII  +-Find next
     | |
     | +-Binary
   // Here come the definitions for the menu system
   // This is the main menu
   // As usual, we first install a menu root...
   pMenu[MNU_MAIN] := MenuNew()
   // ...then add the prompts
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], 0,  0, " File ",    MNU_FILE,    .t., .f.)
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], 0,  6, " Edit ",    MNU_EDIT,    .t., .f.)
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], 0, 12, " View ",    MNU_VIEW,    .t., .f.)
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], 0, 18, " Options ", MNU_OPTIONS, .t., .f.)
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], 0, 27, " Help ",    MNU_HELP,    .t., .f.)
   // Now comes the first sub-menu
   // We install the sub-menu root...
   pMenu[MNU_FILE] := MenuNew()
   // ... define the screen offset...
   menusetoffset( pMenu[MNU_FILE], 2, 1 )
   // ... add the prompts...
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_FILE], 0, 0, " New        ",  ;
                  FILE_NEW,     .t., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_FILE], 1, 0, " Open       ",  ;
                  FILE_OPEN,    .t., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_FILE], 2, 0, " Save       ",  ;
                  FILE_SAVE,    .f., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_FILE], 3, 0, " Sa&ve as... ", ;
                  FILE_SAVE_AS, .f., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_FILE], 4, 0, "------------",  ;
                  0,            .f., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_FILE], 5, 0, " Print      ",  ;
                  FILE_PRINT,   .f., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_FILE], 6, 0, "------------",  ;
                  0,            .f., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_FILE], 7, 0, " Quit       ",  ;
                  FILE_QUIT,    .t., .f. )
   // ... and assign the "executor" function(s).
   for i := FILE_NEW to FILE_QUIT
      menusetfunc( pMenu[MNU_FILE], i, &FileFunc )
   // We now link the File sub-menu with the File prompt in the main menu.
   //          +----------------------------The target menu
   //          |                +-----------The promt item in the target menu
   //          |                |         +-The sub-menu to be linked
   //          |                |         |
   menusetsub( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], MNU_FILE, pMenu[MNU_FILE] )
   // Here we define a sub-sub-menu
   // The menu root
   pSubSub := menunew()
   // The screen offset
   menusetoffset( pSubSub, 6, 14 )
   // The prompts
   menupromptnew( pSubSub, 0, 0, " ASCII  ",  SAVE_AS_ASC, .t., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pSubSub, 1, 0, " Binary ",  SAVE_AS_BIN, .t., .f. )
   // The "executor" function
   for i := 1 to 2
      menusetfunc( pSubSub, i, &SaveAsFunc )
   // This menu is a sub-menu linked to the "File" sub-menu's "Save as..."
   // prompt.
   menusetsub( pMenu[MNU_FILE], FILE_SAVE_AS, pSubSub )
   // Same as above for the remaining sub-menus
   // Edit
   pMenu[MNU_EDIT] := MenuNew()
   menusetoffset( pMenu[MNU_EDIT], 2, 7 )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_EDIT], 0, 0, " Cut       ", EDIT_CUT,   .t., .f.)
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_EDIT], 1, 0, " Copy      ", EDIT_COPY,  .t., .f.)
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_EDIT], 2, 0, " Paste     ", EDIT_PASTE, .f., .f.)
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_EDIT], 3, 0, "-----------", 0,          .f., .f.)
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_EDIT], 4, 0, " Seek...   ", EDIT_SEEK,  .t., .f.)
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_EDIT], 5, 0, " Find next ", EDIT_NEXT,  .f., .f.)
   for i := EDIT_CUT to EDIT_NEXT
      menusetfunc( pMenu[MNU_EDIT], i, &EditFunc )
   menusetsub( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], MNU_EDIT, pMenu[MNU_EDIT] )
   // View
   pMenu[MNU_VIEW] := MenuNew()
   menusetoffset( pMenu[MNU_VIEW], 2, 13 )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_VIEW], 0, 0, " Table  ", VIEW_TABLE,  .t., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_VIEW], 1, 0, " Record ", VIEW_RECORD, .f., .f. )
      menusetfunc( pMenu[MNU_VIEW], i, &ViewFunc )
   menusetsub( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], MNU_VIEW, pMenu[MNU_VIEW] )
   // Options
   pMenu[MNU_OPTIONS] := MenuNew()
   menusetoffset( pMenu[MNU_OPTIONS], 2, 19 )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_OPTIONS], 0, 0, " Sort order  ", ;
                  OPT_SORT,   .t., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_OPTIONS], 1, 0, " Colors      ", ;
                  OPT_COLOR,  .t., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_OPTIONS], 2, 0, " Printer     ", ;
                  OPT_PRINT,  .t., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_OPTIONS], 3, 0, " Screen size ", ;
                  OPT_SCREEN, .t., .f. )
   for i := OPT_SORT to OPT_SCREEN
      menusetfunc( pMenu[MNU_OPTIONS], i, &OptFunc )
   menusetsub( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], MNU_OPTIONS, pMenu[MNU_OPTIONS] )
   // Help
   pMenu[MNU_HELP] := MenuNew()
   menusetoffset( pMenu[MNU_HELP], 2, 28 )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_HELP], 0, 0, " On-line manual ", ;
                  HLP_MANUAL, .t., .f. )
   menupromptnew( pMenu[MNU_HELP], 1, 0, " About          ", ;
                  HLP_ABOUT,  .t., .f. )
   for i := HLP_MANUAL to HLP_ABOUT
      menusetfunc( pMenu[MNU_HELP], i, &HelpFunc )
   menusetsub( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], MNU_HELP, pMenu[MNU_HELP] )
   cursor( .f. )
   menusetcurrent( pMenu[MNU_MAIN], MNU_FILE )
   // single line frame around pull-down menus
   menupdframe( 1 )
   menupulldown( pMenu[MNU_MAIN] )
   // This clears all the menus from memory
   menuclear( pMenu[MNU_MAIN] )
   @ 22, 0

   proc main

See Also: menupdfull() menupulldown()

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