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  Name:     fre() - get amount of free DOS memory available
  Usage:    <integer> = fre()
  Params:   none
  Returns:  an integer equal to the amount of DOS memory that is
            available in bytes.

 ---------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

                 if (fre() < 100000)
                      ? "Not enough memory to run program"
                      ! totals

  Note:     The amount of free memory is the amount of memory
            left over after your Clipper application runs. This
            memory can be adjusted through the SET CLIPPER=Xnnn
            environment variable. Note that after an index if
            SET CLIPPER=Xnnn is not used, available memory
            shrinks to almost nothing because no memory had been
            reserved through the SET CLIPPER=Xnnn environment

See Also: expmem() extmem() egamem() dosmem()

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