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Menu branching:     To make  a selection  branch to  another
                    menu requires that you enter an '@' (at)
                    command. An  @ command  is a  command to
                    tell dMENU  to  perform  some  operation
                    specific to that @ command.

@menu command:      To branch  to another menu requires that
                    the command  @MENU be  entered into  the
                    FIRST DOS  COMMAND FIELD.  If you  enter
                    the word  @menu  while  in  DOS  command
                    field #1  and press  return, you will be
                    prompted to  enter the  name of the menu
                    to  branch   to.  Enter  any  valid  DOS
                    filename that  will help you to remember
                    what this  new menu  will contain, names
                    like UTILITY, or PHONE are good choices.
                    You will  notice that  the @menu command
                    will not allow you to enter any more DOS
                    commands  after   it  since   none   are
                    allowed. If  you enter the @menu command
                    while  in   DOS  command  fields  #2  or
                    higher, then  it will  be treated  as  a
                    normal DOS  command,  and  no  branching
                    will take place.

                    Once  you   enter  a  menu  name,  press
                    return. A  new menu  will be created and
                    you will  be  returned  to  normal  menu
                    operation. If  you want  to add new menu
                    selections to the menu you just created,
                    select that  menu  option  so  that  you
                    branch to  the new menu. Once in the new
                    menu use  the CTRL/xxx  commands to  add
                    new menu selections.

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