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Changing colors:    To change  the  colors  of  the  current
                    menu, press  CTRL/C. On  the bottom line
                    of the  display you  will see  the words
                    FOREGROUND BACKGROUND etc. At this time,
                    the word  foreground will be highlighted
                    in reverse  video. This  means that  you
                    may change  the colors of the foreground
                    by using the up/down arrow keys. To move
                    on to  the background,  press the  right
                    arrow key.  To change  the color  of the
                    background, press  the up  or down arrow
                    keys  while   the  word   background  is
                    displayed in  reverse video. Repeat this
                    process  for   all  areas  you  want  to
                    change. When  you have  selected all the
                    desired colors,  press  return  to  save
                    them to disk. If you do not want to save
                    the  color   settings,  press  ESC.  Any
                    changes not saved to disk will remain in
                    effect until  you  re-load  the  current
                    menu.  Each   menu  can  have  it's  own
                    colors. This  may help  in keeping track
                    of  where   you  are   within  the  menu
                    structure. Accounting could have a green
                    background while  word processing  could
                    have a  blue  background,  or  something

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