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  Name:     numgets() - get number of gets presently active
  Usage:    <integer> = numgets()
  Params:   none
  Returns:  integer equal to the number of gets currently defined
            and in use.

 ---------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

                    set key 28 to poptest
                    @ 10,0 say "First Name: " get Fname
                    @ 11,0 say "last Name : " get Lname
                    @ 12,0 say "Company...: " get Cname

            proc poptest
            para d1,d2,d3

                    @ 0,0 say numgets()
                    for x = 1 to numgets()
                            @ 1+x, 0 say "Get #"+str(x)+" is: "+getvar(x)


  Note:     In this example, if you press F1, then the active get number
            is displayed at 0,0, and a list of all the memory variables
            in the current get stack are displayed.

See Also: active() getvar() activate()

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