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General registers

    There are 8 general registers (EAX,ECX,EDX,EBX,ESP,EBP,ESI,EDI)
    each 32 bits wide. The least significant 16 bits of the registers
    are seperately accessible (as AX,CX,DX,BX,SP,BP,SI,DI). 8-bit
    operations can individually access the low byte (bits 0-7) and the
    high byte (bits 8-15) of the general registers AX,CX,DX,BX.

         3               2               1
         1               3               5               7             0
        |                               |       AH             AL       |
    EAX |                               |               AX              |
        |                               |       CH             CL       |
    ECX |                               |               CX              |
        |                               |       DH             DL       |
    EDX |                               |               DX              |
        |                               |       BH             BL       |
    EBX |                               |               BX              |
        |                               |                               |
    ESP |                               |               SP              |
        |                               |                               |
    EBP |                               |               BP              |
        |                               |                               |
    ESI |                               |               SI              |
        |                               |                               |
    EDI |                               |               DI              |

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