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Flags register

    The EFLAGS register controls I/O, maskable interrupts, debugging,
    task switching, and enabling of virtual 8086 execution in a
    protected, multitasking environment; all in addition to providing
    status flags that represent the result of instruction execution.

    The low 16 bits (0-15) of EFLAGS contain the FLAGS register (8086-

     3               2               1
     1               3               5               7             0
    |                   |I|V|V|A|V|R| |N|IO |O|D|I|T|S|Z| |A| |P| |C|
    |r r r r r r r r r r|D|I|I|C|M|F|r|T| PL|F|F|F|F|F|F|r|F|r|F|r|F|

    r = reserved by Intel

    Carry               CF is set if the operation resulted in a carry
                        out of the high-order bit (an addition), or a
                        borrow into the high-order bit (a subtraction).
                        Otherwise, CF is reset to zero. For 8-, 16-,
                        or 32-bit operations, CF is set according to
                        the carry/borrow at bit 7, 15, or 31.

    Parity              PF is set if the low-order eight bits of the
                        operation contains an even number of "1's"
                        (even parity). PF is reset to zero if the
                        low-order eight bits have odd parity. PF is
                        always a function of only the low-order eight
                        bits, regardless of operand size.
                        Often used by communications programs.

    Adjust              AF (sometimes called the auxilliary carry or the
                        BCD carry) simplifies the addition and
                        subtraction of packed BCD quantities. Regardless
                        of the operand size (8, 16, or 32 bits), AF is
                        set if the operation resulted in a borrow into
                        bit 3 (which is a subtraction) or a carry out of
                        bit 3 (which is an addition). BCD uses bits 0
                        thru 3 to represent decimal digits.

    Zero                ZF is set if all bits of the result are zero.
                        Otherwise, it is reset.

    Sign                SF is set if the high-order bit of the result
                        is set. It is reset otherwise. For 8-, 16, and
                        32-bit operations, SF reflects the state of
                        bit 7, 15, and 31, respectively.

    Trap                Setting TF puts the processor into single-step
                        mode for debugging. The CPU automatically
                        generates an Exception 1 after each
                        instruction, which allows a program to be
                        inspected as it executes each instruction.
                        When TF is reset, exception 1 traps occur only
                        as a function of the breakpoint addresses
                        loaded into the debug registers DR0-DR3.

    Interrupt           Setting IF allows the CPU to recognize
                        external (maskable) interrupt requests.
                        Clearing this bit disables these interrupts.
                        IF has no effect on either non-maskable
                        external interrupts or exceptions.

    Direction           DF defines whether the (E)SI and/or (E)DI
                        registers are to increment or decrement during
                        string operations (LODS, STOS, MOVS, CMPS,
                        SCAS, INS, OUTS). If DF=0, the registers
                        increment, if DF=1, they decrement.

    Overflow            OF is set if the operation resulted in
                        carry/borrow into the sign bit (high-order
                        bit) of the result but did not result in a
                        carry/borrow out of the high-order bit, or
                        Occurs when the size of a computation exceeds
                        the size of the destination.

    IOPL                (80286+)  This two-bit field applies to
                        protected mode. Input/Output Privilege Level
                        (IOPL) shows the highest current privilege
                        level (CPL) value permitted to execute I/O
                        instructions without generating an exception
                        13 fault or consulting the I/O Permission
                        Bitmap. It also shows the highest CPL value
                        that allows change of the IF (INTR Enable
                        Flag) when new values are popped into the
                        EFLAGS register (see POPF).

    Nested task         (80286+)  The CPU uses this flag to control
                        chaining of interrupted and CALLed tasks. A
                        CALL transfers the program execution sequence
                        on a temporary basis to a subroutine or
                        subprogram. On termination of that subroutine,
                        execution is resumed at the instruction
                        following the CALL. NT influences the
                        operation of the IRET instruction.

    Resume              (80386+)  This flag temporarily disables debug
                        exceptions (breaks to normal program flow) so
                        that an instruction can be restarted after a
                        debug exception without immediately causing
                        another one.

    Virtual 8086 mode   (80386+)  The VM bit provides Virtual 8086
                        Mode within the protected mode. If set while
                        the processor is in protected mode, the CPU
                        switches to Virtual 8086 operation. The VM bit
                        can be set only in two ways: in protected
                        mode by the IRET instruction and only if
                        Current Privilege Level is zero, and by task
                        switches at any privilege level.

    Alignment check     (80486+)  Setting AC lets the 80486+ check the
                        alignment of operands when you make references
                        to memory. The processor issues an alignment-
                        check exception when a reference is made to an
                        unaligned operand, such as a word that starts
                        on an odd-numbered address or a doubleword
                        that starts at an address that is not a
                        multiple of four. Alignment-check exceptions
                        are generated only in user mode (privilege
                        level 3).

    ID capability       (Pentium+, later 80486s)  Indicates whether the
                        processor is capable of executing the CPUID

    VIF                 (Pentium+) Virtual Interrupt Flag, bit 19.
                        Virtual image of the IF flag. Used in
                        conjunction with the VIP flag. (To use VIF and
                        VIP, the CR4.VME bit must be set.)

    VIP                 (Pentium+) Virtual Interrupt Pending, bit 20.
                        Set to indicate that an interrupt is pending;
                        clear when no interrupts are pending. (Software
                        sets and clears this flag. The processor only
                        reads it.) Used in conjunction with the VIF

    Note: The flags register is referred to as 'Status word' on the
          80186 processor.


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