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     L_ACRE2HA()     Acres into hectares.
     L_ACOS()        Calculate the inverse cosine
     L_ADDDAY()      Add or subtract days from a date.
     L_ADDHOURS()    Adds hours to a time string.
     L_ADDMINS()     Adds minutes to a time string.
     L_ADDMONTH()    Add months to a date.
     L_ADDSECS()     Adds seconds to a time string.
     L_ADDTIMES()    Adds time strings together.
     L_ADDYEAR()     Add or subtract years from a date.
     L_AMORT()       Amortorisation of a loan.
     L_ARCOUNT()     The number of data types in an array.
     L_ARCREATE()    Pseudo two dimensional array.
     L_ARDUMP()      Dump the contents of an array.
     L_AREQN()       The number of elements = to value.
     L_ARESTORE()    Restore array from disk.
     L_ARGEN()       The number of elements >= to value.
     L_ARGTN()       The number of elements > than value.
     L_ARLES()       The number of elements <= to value.
     L_ARLTN()       The number of elements < than value.
     L_ARMAX()       The maximum numeric value.
     L_ARMEAN()      The mean of the array.
     L_ARMEDIAN()    The median of the array.
     L_ARMIN()       The minimum value in an array.
     L_ARMODE()      The mode of the array.
     L_ARRANGE()     The range of elements in an array.
     L_ARSAVE()      Save array to a disk.
     L_ARSUM()       Sum the array.
     L_ARUSE()       Access to pseudo two dimensional array.
     L_ASIN()        Calculate the Arcsine
     L_ATAN()        Calculate the Arctangent
     L_ATNEXT()      Finds the <n>th occurrence of a string.
     L_ATTIMES()     Counts occurrences of substring.
     L_ATTRIB()      Gets and/or sets file attributes.
     L_AUTOEXEC()     Search for specific information in AUTOEXEC.BAT
     L_AXES()        Draws axes for use with xy-graphs.
     L_BCOLOR()      Current background colour.
     L_BECOLOR()     Current background enhanced colour.
     L_BINTOD()      Convert binary to decimal
     L_BOFQTR()      Beginning of quarter date.
     L_BOFW()        Date of the preceding Monday.
     L_BOX()         Draws a graphics box.
     L_BOXFIL()      Draws a filled box.
     L_C2F()         Celsius into Fahrenheit.
     L_CALC()        Make use of a pop-up calculator.
     L_CAP1ST()      First letter of each word to upper case.
     L_CEILING()     Provides the next higher integer
     L_CHDIR()       Change current directory.
     L_CHDRIVE()     Change current drive.
     L_CHIDECUR()    Hide cursor in an area.
     L_CHKMDRVR()    Check for the mouse driver.
     L_CHKSCR()      Contents of save screen file.
     L_CHRCOUNT()    Number of times character is in string.
     L_CHRFOUND()    Are characters in string.
     L_CIRCAN()      Circular annulus.
     L_CIRCAR()      Area of a circle.
     L_CIRCCF()      Circumference of a circle.
     L_CIRCCR()      Radius of a circle.
     L_CIRCLE()      Draws a circle.
     L_CIRCLF()      Draws a filled circle.
     L_CIRCRD()      Radius of a circle.
     L_CM2IN()       Centimetres into inches.
     L_CMONTHN()     Generate a text string for a month.
     L_CNECSF()      Curved surface area of a cone.
     L_CNETSF()      Total surface area of a cone.
     L_CNEVOL()      Volume of a circular cone.
     L_COLBAR()      Select from colour menu.
     L_COLDBOOT()    Reset machine with diagnostics.
     L_COM2LPT()     Send output from serial to parallel port.
     L_COMREAD()     Read a character from a serial port.
     L_COMSTAT()     Determine status of a serial port.
     L_COMSWAP()     Redirect output from COM1: to COM2:
     L_COMWRITE()    Send a character to a serial port.
     L_CONFIG()      Get information from CONFIG.SYS.
     L_CORR()        Calculates correlation
     L_COS()         Calculate the Cosine
     L_COVAR()       Calculates covariance
     L_CRLF()        Number of characters to next <cr lf> pair.
     L_CUCM2IN()     Cubic centimetres into cubic inches.
     L_CUF2LTR()     Cubic feet into litres.
     L_CUIN2CM()     Cubic inches into cubic centimetres.
     L_CUM2YD()      Cubic metres into cubic yards.
     L_CURSOR()      Control shape of hardware cursor.
     L_CUY2MT()      Cubic yards into cubic metres.
     L_CV()          Calculates the coefficient of variance.
     L_CYLCSF()      Curved surface area of a cylinder.
     L_CYLTSF()      Total surface area of a cylinder.
     L_CYLVOL()      Volume of a cylinder.
     L_DAYTOS()      Generate a text string for a day.
     L_DBFSIZE()     Determine the size of a specified DBF.
     L_DEGREE()      Convert radians to degrees.
     L_DMYSTR()      Convert a date to a date in words.
     L_DOSVERS()     Determine version of DOS.
     L_DTOBIN()      Convert decimal to binary
     L_DTOHEX()      Converts a decimal to hexadecimal
     L_DTON()        Convert a date to yyyymmdd.
     L_DTOOCT()      Converts a decimal to octal.
     L_DYS2HMS()     Converts days to a time string.
     L_DYS2HRS()     Converts days to a number of hours.
     L_EMMFREE()     Amount of Expanded memory available.
     L_EMMSTAT()     Is Expanded Memory Manager functional.
     L_EMMVERS()     Determine Expanded Memory version.
     L_EOFQTR()      Determine end of quarter date.
     L_EOFW()        Date of Friday after the specified date.
     L_EXPAND()      Pads a string with spaces.
     L_EXPANDED()    Amount of Expanded Memory.
     L_EXTENDED()    Total amount of Extended Memory.
     L_F2C()         Fahrenheit into Celsius.
     L_FCOLOR()      Current foreground colour.
     L_FECOLOR()     Current foreground enhanced colour.
     L_FIELDGET()    Access field data specified by number.
     L_FIELDPUT()    Store field data specified by number.
     L_FILEDATE()    Determine the date stamp of a file.
     L_FILESIZE()    Determine the size of a file.
     L_FILETIME()    Determine time stamp of a file.
     L_FLOPPIES()    Determine number of floppies.
     L_FLOOR()       Provides the next lower integer
     L_FV()          Future value of an investment.
     L_GAL2LTR()     Gallons into litres.
     L_GETDRIVE()    Determine the current logged-on drive.
     L_GETMSTAT()    Determine mouse button status.
     L_GETXMOTN()    Determine horizontal mouse movement.
     L_GETXPOSN()    Determine mouse horizontal position.
     L_GETYMOTN()    Determine vertical mouse movement.
     L_GETYPOSN()    Determine mouse vertical position.
     L_GMODE()       Sets screen mode or returns present mode.
     L_GRAM2OZ()     Grammes into ounces.
     L_GRID()        Draws a grid of lines.
     L_HA2ACRE()     Hectares into acres.
     L_HBAR()        Draws horizontal bar graph.
     L_HEXTOD()      Converts a hexadecimal to decimal
     L_HIDECURS()    Make mouse cursor invisible.
     L_HMS2DYS()     Converts a time string to days.
     L_HMS2HRS()     Converts a time string to hours.
     L_HMS2MIN()     Converts a time string to minutes.
     L_HMS2SEC()     Converts a time string to seconds.
     L_HRS2DYS()     Converts hours to a number of days.
     L_HRS2MIN()     Converts hours to minutes.
     L_HRS2SEC()     Converts hours to seconds.
     L_HSBAR()       Draws horizontal stacked bar graph.
     L_IN2CM()       Inches into centimetres.
     L_INFY()        Difference in years, between two dates.
     L_INMTHS()      Difference between dates in whole months.
     L_INWKDYS()     Difference between dates in week days.
     L_INWKS()       Difference between dates in whole weeks.
     L_INY()         Difference between dates in whole years.
     L_INYM()        Subtract dates in whole years and months.
     L_INYMD()       Subtract dates in years, months and days.
     L_ISALT()       Test for Left Alt key-press.
     L_ISALTR()      Test for Right Alt key-press.
     L_ISCTRL()      Test for Left Ctrl key-press.
     L_ISCTRLR()     Test for Right Ctrl key-press.
     L_ISDRIVE()     Check for a valid drive.
     L_ISDSDATE()    Is string a date.
     L_ISDVALID()    Is date valid.
     L_ISEMM()       Is Expanded Memory Manager present.
     L_ISFIXED()     Determine if a drive is fixed.
     L_ISHIFT()      Test for Left shift key-press.
     L_ISHIFTR()     Test for Right Shift key-press.
     L_ISLEAP()      Is date in a leap year.
     L_ISMOUSE()     Determine if the mouse is functional.
     L_ISNETBIO()    Determine if NETBIOS Emulation is present.
     L_ISPCLAN()     Determine if PC LAN program is loaded.
     L_ISPRIME()     Checks an integer for primacy
     L_ISTIME()      Determines if a time string is valid.
     L_ISWKEND()     Is date a Saturday or Sunday.
     L_JUST()        Sets justification for graphics text.
     L_KG2LB()       Kilograms into pounds.
     L_KM2MILE()     Kilometres into miles.
     L_KSC2PSI()     Kilograms per square centimetre to psi.
     L_KYBDSTAT()    Test for various keys simultaneously.
     L_LANMAJOR()    Get the MAJOR version number of PC LAN.
     L_LANMINOR()    Get the MINOR version number of PC LAN.
     L_LASTDAY()     Determine last day of the month.
     L_LB2KG()       Pounds into kilograms.
     L_LEADCH()      Converts leading blanks to character.
     L_LEGEND()      Draws a legend for use with graph.
     L_LINE()        Draws a line.
     L_LJUST()       Left justifies a string.
     L_LOGTEN()      Gives base ten logarithm of a number
     L_LPT2COM()     Send output from parallel to serial port.
     L_LPTINIT()     Initialise parallel port.
     L_LPTSTAT()     Determine status of parallel port.
     L_LPTSWAP()     Swap output to parallel ports.
     L_LTR2CUF()     Litres into cubic feet.
     L_LTR2GAL()     Litres into gallons.
     L_MATHPRO()     Is a math co-processor is installed.
     L_MEMSIZE()     Conventional memory in system.
     L_MKDIR()       Make a directory.
     L_MIDLOWER()    Middle of a string to lower case.
     L_MIDUPPER()    Middle of a string to upper case.
     L_MILE2KM()     Miles into kilometres.
     L_MIN2SEC()     Converts minutes to seconds.
     L_MT2YD()       Metres into yards.
     L_MTAXYEAR()    Taxyear date for specified date.
     L_NTOD()        Numeric to date.
     L_NUM2STR()     Converts a number to words.
     L_NUMDRIVE()    Determine the number of drives attached.
     L_OCTTOD()      Converts an octal to decimal
     L_OZ2GRAM()     Ounces into grammes.
     L_PASS()        Retrieve password from screen.
     L_PCMODEL()     Determine the PC model number.
     L_PENOFF()      Disable light pen emulation.
     L_PENON()       Enable light pen emulation.
     L_PI()          Return the value of PI
     L_PIE()         Draws a pie chart.
     L_PMT()         Payment required to pay of a loan.
     L_POINT()       Draws a point.
     L_PRESSES()     Determine number of button presses.
     L_PRLLAR()      Area of a parallelogram.
     L_PROPER()      Converts leading character to upper case.
     L_PROTECT()     Prevent database use outside application.
     L_PRTSCRN()     Perform a screen dump to a printer.
     L_PSI2KSC()     psi to kilograms per square centimetre.
     L_PV()          Present value of a loan.
     L_QUARTER()     Quarter number of specified date.
     L_RADIAN()      Convert degrees to radians
     L_RAND          Generate a pseudo-random number.
     L_RECTAR()      Area of a right-angled rectangle.
     L_RELEASES()    Determine number of button releases.
     L_RESTSCR()     Restore saved screen from disk
     L_RJUST()       Right justifies a string.
     L_RMDIR()       Remove a directory from a disk.
     L_ROUNDHP()     Round a decimal to the nearest penny
     L_ROUNDI()      Round a decimal to an integer
     L_SAVESCR()     Save text screen to disk.
     L_SEC2DYS()     Converts seconds to part of a day.
     L_SEC2HMS()     Converts seconds to a time string.
     L_SEC2HRS()     Converts seconds to a number of hours.
     L_SEC2MIN()     Converts seconds to a number of minutes.
     L_SUBTIMES()    Subtracts time strings from each other.
     L_TIME12()      Converts 24hr time string to 12hr format.
     L_SETCAPS()     Determine/set state of CAPSLOCK key.
     L_SETDATE()     Determine the current value of SET DATE.
     L_SETMAREA()    Restrict mouse movement.
     L_SETMPOSN()    Position the mouse cursor.
     L_SETNUM()      Determine/set state of NUM LOCK key.
     L_SETPALET()    Sets graphics mode 4 color palette.
     L_SETRATIO()    Set mouse movement resolution.
     L_SETSCRL()     Determine/set state of SCROLL LOCK key.
     L_SETSPEED()    Specify when mouse moves faster.
     L_SF()          Sinking Fund.
     L_SHOWCURS()    Make mouse cursor visible.
     L_SIN()         Calculate Sine
     L_SPHRAD()      Radius of a sphere.
     L_SPHSRF()      Surface area of a sphere.
     L_SPHVOL()      Volume of a sphere.
     L_SPHVRD()      Radius of a sphere, given its volume.
     L_SQCM2IN()     Square centimetres into square inches.
     L_SQIN2CM()     Square inches into square centimetres.
     L_SQKM2SQM()    Square kilometres into square miles.
     L_SQM2SQKM()    Square miles into square kilometres.
     L_SQM2YD()      Square metres into square yards.
     L_SQY2MT()      Square yards into square metres.
     L_STDDEV()      Calculates standard deviation
     L_STOD()        Convert "yyyymmdd" into a date.
     L_STROKE()      Draws stroke font text.
     L_SUBMONTH()    Subtract months from date.
     L_T2TONNE()     Tons into tonnes.
     L_TABSTRIP()    Remove tab characters from string.
     L_TAN()         Calculate Tan
     L_TAXYEAR()     Tax year of specified date.
     L_TCURSOR()     Change shape of text cursor.
     L_TEXT()        Writes text on graphics screen.
     L_TOMONEY()       Converts a number to money in words.
     L_TONNE2T()     Tonnes into tons.
     L_TRIAR()       Area of a right angled triangle.
     L_TSIZE()       To specify size of graphics text.
     L_VAR()         Calculates variance.
     L_VBAR()        Draws vertical bar graph.
     L_VERS()        Determine version of "The Library".
     L_VSBAR()       Draws vertical stacked bar graph.
     L_WARMBOOT()    Reset machine without diagnostics.
     L_WKDS()        Add or subtract week days from a date.
     L_WPSTRIP()     Remove WP control characters from string.
     L_WPSTRIP2()    Remove WP control characters from file
     L_XPRESS()      Determine last horiz. button press.
     L_XRANGE()      Restrict mouse movement horizontally.
     L_XRELEASE()    Determine last horiz. button release.
     L_XYGRAPH()     Draws an xy graph on the screen
     L_YRANGE()      Restrict mouse movement vertically.
     L_YRELEASE()    Determine last vertical button release.
     L_YD2MT()       Yards into metres.
     L_YPRESS()      Determine last vertical button press.
     L_ZERODIV()     Avoid zero divides.
     MOUSETSR.EXE    Convert mouse movement in to keystrokes.
     NUMLOCK.EXE     Turns off NUMLOCK key.

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