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 ADAYS()              Returns an array with the days names.
 AMONTHS()            Returns an array with the months names.
 BINTODEC()           Converts a Binary Value to Decimal
 BOM()                Gets the first day in a month.
 BOY()                Gets the first date of the year.
 CD()                 Change the Current Directory
 DAYSINMONTH()        Gets the days in a month.
 DECTOBIN()           Converts a Decimal Value to Binary
 DECTOHEXA()          Converts a Decimal Value to Hexa
 DECTOOCTAL()         Converts a Decimal Value to Octal
 DOY()                Gets the day number of the year.
 EOM()                Gets the last day in a month.
 EOY()                Gets the last date of the year.
 FIELDDECI()          Determines the number of decimal places of a given numeric field.
 FIELDSIZE()          Determines the size of a given field.
 FIELDTYPE()          Determines the type of a given field.
 HEXATODEC()          Converts a Hexa Value to Decimal
 ISBIN()              Check if the value is a Binary  Number
 ISDEC()              Check if the value is a Decimal  Number
 ISHEXA()             Check if the value is a Hexal  Number
 ISLEAPYEAR()         Checks if the given date is a leap year.
 ISOCTAL()            Check if the value is a Octal  Number
 MD()                 Creates a Directory
 OCTALTODEC()         Converts a Octal Value to Decimal
 RD()                 Remove a Directory
 StrFormat()          Format a string
 TFileRead()          Read a file one line at a time
 THtml()              Html Class
 TNortonGuide()       Norton Guide Class
 TOs2()               OS/2 Documentation Class
 TRtf()               Rtf Class
 TTroff()             Troff Class
 WOY()                Gets the week number of the year.

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