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INCLUDE          Process Code from External File                    Directive

  INCLUDE filename

    Causes the assembler to process source code from an external file.

       Notes:     Filename must refer to an existing file, or the
                  assembler will issue an error message and stop. A full
                  or partial path may be included in filename, with either
                  / or \ used as path separator characters. If you have used
                  the /I switch to specify an "include file path" at the
                  command line, do not use that path in your INCLUDE
                  directive.  The assembler first checks any path specified
                  with the /I option.  Then if the file is not found, the
                  assembler checks the current directory.  If the file is
                  still not found, then the assembler will issue an error
                  message and stop.

                  When the assembler encounters an INCLUDE directive, it
                  reads and processes the specified file entirely before
                  returning to the file that issued the INCLUDE. INCLUDE
                  directives may be nested.

                  Code generated from INCLUDE files is marked with the
                  letter 'C' in listings.

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