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Function 08h (8)         Console Character Input without Echo

    Waits for a character from the standard input device. Does not echo,
    but does check for Ctrl-Break and Ctrl-C.

       On entry:      AH         08h

       Returns:       AL         Character


    This function waits for a character from the standard input device.
    When the character is available, the function returns its ASCII value
    in AL but does not echo it to the standard output device.

       Notes:         A 0 returned in AL means that one of the "special"
                      characters (a function key or a cursor key, for
                      example) was input. Call the function again to read
                      the extended code of the special character (see the
                      Key codes table).

                      The only difference between this function and
                      Function 07h is that this function checks for Ctrl-
                      Break. If Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-C is input, this
                      function executes an INT 23h.

See Also: 01h 06h 07h 0Ah 0Bh 0Ch

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