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void pascal SoundNote(int note, int octave, unsigned duration)

  Produces a note in the 12-tone scale for a specified period of time.

  Note can be one of the following values :

   RESTNOTE                     - Rest (silence for duration)
   CNOTE, CsNOTE                - C, C sharp
   DNOTE, DsNOTE                - D, D sharp
   ENOTE, FNOTE, FsNOTE - E, F, F sharp
   GNOTE, GsNOTE                - G, G sharp
   ANOTE, AsNOTE, BNOTE - A, A sharp, B

  The octave parameter is the octave in which to play the note, and
   ranges from MIN_OCTAVE to MAX_OCTAVE, with the higher octaves almost
   inaudible.  An octave value of MID_OCTAVE and note value of CNOTE
   will give middle C.
  The duration is the duration of the note in milliseconds.


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