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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! C/Database Toolchest Library - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 iaddrec         add a new record to a database
 iclose_db       flush and close a database
 icopy_db        make a copy of a database
 icreate_db      create a new database
 idbhandle       return handle for open database
 idelrec         delete the current record by index
 idestroy_db     permanently remove a database
 ifindhead       move current record pointer to first record by index
 ifindkey        find first record that matches a key
 ifindmark       make the marked record the current record
 ifindnext       move current record pointer to next record by index
 ifindprev       move current record pointer to previous record by index
 ifindrec        find a particular record via an index
 ifindtail       move current record pointer to last record by index
 iflush_db       flush to disk all changed buffers for a database
 igetdesc        return description of index
 igetfldcount    return count of fields per database record
 igetfldnames    return list of field names in database
 igetindexnames  return list of index names in database
 igetrec         get a copy of the current record
 igetreclen      get length of current record by index
 ihandle         return handle for index of open database
 imarkrec        remember current record by index
 imatchkey       see if current record matches the given key
 imkindex        makes a new index for a database
 imodrec         modify an existing record in the database
 inew_index_file make index file for open database
 iopen_db        open a database
 iprogress       save pointer to user's progress function
 iprterr         print error message from isam error variable
 irename_db      rename a database
 irmindex        remove an index from a database
 isamexit        conclude ISAM processing, close any open database files
 isaminit        initialize ISAM library, allocate buffers
 isammsg         return text of message for an error number
 showdb          dump all data records, in index order, to stdout
 showdesc        show description of an index to stdout
 showfldnames    show field names to stdout
 showindexnames  show names of indexes to stdout
 showrec         show record to stdout

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