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 Header Block

  Offset  | Description
  00h-13h | File type description.
          | The following message is stored here: "Creative Voice File",1Ah
  14h-15h | Offset of Data Block from the start of the voice file
          | This word points to the Data Block. It helps the application
          | programs to locate the Data Block in case the size of header
          | block is changed.  For this version, the value here is always
          | 1A hex.
  16h-17h | Voice file format version number
          | This version number allows your program to identify different
          | organization formats of voice data file in case of future
          | enhancement. LSB and MSB are the minor and major version number
          | respectively.  Current version is 1.10.
  18h-19h | Voice file identification code
          | This code allows your program to check that this file is a VOC
          | file.
          | Its content is the complement of the file format version number
          | then plus 1234 hex.  For current version of 1.10, its complement
          | (010Ah) +1234h = 1129h

See Also: Data Block

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