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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Mouse interface routines - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 MOUSEREAD()      Sets up GET/READ with mouse capabilities
 RDCANCELDESCEND()Cancel the run down of a READ to a lower level READ
 RDCOOLSPOT()     This subroutine deactivates the specified GET/READ Hot Spot
 RDCURLEVEL()     This routine will return the current level of READs
 RDDESCEND()      Returns logical indicating READ systems descending status
 RDEXCLMOUSE()    Select region where mouse has no action in Gets
 RDHOTSPOT()      Defines Mouse Hot spots for GET/READ
 RDIGNOREMOUSE()  Force READ to ignore the presence of the mouse
 RDMOUSELVL()     Sets/Gets Level of nested READS currently mouse active
 RDMOUSEON()      Set/Return status of using mouse in READ
 RDREMEXCL()      Clears an mouse excluded area set up by RDExclMouse()
 RDREMHOTSPOT()   This subroutine clears the specified READ Hot Spot
 RDWARMSPOT()     This subroutine reactivates the specified GET/READ Hot Spot
 READBUTTON       Command to make a mouse button on screen calling Button()

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