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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Mouse interface routines - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 ALERT()          Mouse Aware replacement of ALERT()
 BUTTON           Command to make a mouse button on screen calling Button()
 BUTTON()         Make a mouse button on screen with associated function key
 BUTTONCOOL()     Suspend a mouse screen button with associated function key
 BUTTONWARM()     Reactivate a mouse screen button with associated function key
 COOLBUTTON       Command to suspend a mouse screen button
 GCOOLSPOT()      This subroutine deactivates the specified General HotSpot
 GHOTSPOT()       Defines Mouse Hot spots for all mouse subsystems
 GREMHOTSPOT()    This subroutine clears the specified Hotspot
 GWARMSPOT()      This subroutine reactivates the specified General Hot Spot
 MDEFRELEASE()    Sets default for waiting for mouse release in Hot Spots
 MDEFSLEEP()      Set default sleep time between servicing hot spots
 MDOUBLECLK()     Set the mouse double click interval
 MINKEY()         Combined key and mouse input wait state
 MINKEYIGNOREM()  Make Minkey ignore mouse
 REMBUTTON        Command to remove a mouse button on screen
 REMOVEBUTTON()   Remove a mouse screen button with associated function key
 WARMBUTTON       Command to reactivate a mouse screen button

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