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 abort()          Abort Process and Return Error
 abs()            Calculate Absolute Value of Integer
 access()         Check File Permission Setting
 acos()           Calculate Arc Cosine
 alloca()         Allocate Memory Block on Stack
 asctime()        Converts Time from Structure to String
 asin()           Calculate Arc Sine
 assert()         Diagnostic Message Generator
 atan()           Calculate Arc Tangent
 atan2()          Calculate Arc Tangent of y/x
 atof()           Convert String to Double
 atoi()           Convert String to Integer
 atol()           Convert String to Long
 bdos()           Invoke DOS Function, Short Form
 bessel()         Return Result of a Bessel Function of x
 bsearch()        Performs Binary Search
 cabs()           Calculate Absolute Value of Complex Number
 calloc()         Allocate and Zero Memory
 ceil()           Calculate Ceiling of Value
 cgets()          Get a Character String From the Console
 chdir()          Change Current Working Directory
 chmod()          Change File Permission Setting
 chsize()         Change Size of File
 _clear87()       Get and Clear 8087/80287 Status Word
 clearerr()       Clear Error Indicator for a Stream
 close()          Close File
 _control87()     Get and Set 8087/80287 Status Word
 cos()            Calculate Cosine
 cosh()           Calculate Hyperbolic Cosine
 cprintf()        Formatted Write to Console
 cputs()          Write a String to the Console
 creat()          Create a New File
 cscanf()         Read Formatted Data from Console
 ctime()          Convert Time from Long Integer to String
 dieeetomsbin()   Convert IEEE Double to MS Binary Double
 dmsbintoieee()   Convert Double MS Binary to IEEE Double
 difftime()       Find the Difference between Two Times
 dosexterr()      Get DOS Extended Error Values
 dup()            Create Second Handle for Open File
 dup2()           Reassign a File Handle
 ecvt()           Convert Double to String
 eof()            Test for End of File
 exec...()        An Overview of the Eight Exec Functions
 execl()          Execute Program Using: Arg List
 execle()         Execute Program Using: Arg List, Environment
 execlp()         Execute Program Using: Arg List, PATH
 execlpe()        Execute Program Using: Arg List, PATH, Environment
 execv()          Execute Program Using: Arg Array
 execve()         Execute Program Using: Arg Array, Environment
 execvp()         Execute Program Using: Arg Array, PATH
 execvpe()        Execute Program Using: Arg Array, PATH, Environment
 exit()           Terminate Process after Cleanup
 _exit()          Terminate Process without Cleanup
 exp()            Calculate Exponential
 _expand()        Change Size of Allocated Memory Block
 fabs()           Calculate Absolute Value of Floating Point
 fclose()         Close a Stream
 fcloseall()      Close All Open Streams
 fcvt()           Convert Double to String
 fdopen()         Open a Stream Using a Handle
 feof()           Detect Stream End-of-File (Macro)
 ferror()         Test for Error on a Stream (Macro)
 fflush()         Flush a Stream
 _ffree()         Deallocate Far Memory Block
 fgetc()          Read a Character from a Stream
 fgetchar()       Read a Character from Stdin
 fgets()          Read a String from Stream
 fieeetomsbin()   Convert IEEE Single-Precision to MS Binary
 fmsbintoieee()   Convert MS Binary Single-Precision to IEEE
 filelength()     Return File Length
 fileno()         Get File Handle Associated with Stream (Macro)
 floor()          Calculate Floor of Value
 flushall()       Flush All Streams and Clear All Buffers
 _fmalloc()       Allocate Far Memory Block
 fmod()           Calculate Floating-Point Remainder
 _fmsize()        Return Size of Far Memory Block
 fopen()          Open a File
 FP_OFF()         Get or Set Offset Portion of a Far Pointer (Macro)
 FP_SEG()         Get or Set Segment Portion of a Far Pointer (Macro)
 _fpreset()       Reinitialize Floating-Point Math Package
 fprintf()        Write Formatted Data to Stream
 fputc()          Write a Character to a Stream
 fputchar()       Write a Character to Stdout
 fputs()          Write a String to Stream
 fread()          Read Unformatted Data from Stream
 free()           Deallocate Memory Block
 _freect()        Return Size of Memory as Number of Items
 freopen()        Reassign a File Pointer
 frexp()          Get Mantissa and Exponent of Floating-Point Value
 fscanf()         Read Formatted Data from Screen
 fseek()          Reposition File Pointer to Given Location
 fstat()          Get Information about Open File
 ftell()          Get Current File Pointer Position
 ftime()          Get Current System Time as Structure
 fwrite()         Write Unformatted Data to Stream
 gcvt()           Convert Double to String
 getc()           Read a Character from a Stream (Macro)
 getchar()        Read a Character from 'Stdin'
 getch()          Get a Character from the Console without Echo
 getche()         Get a Character from Console with Echo
 getcwd()         Get Path Name of Current Working Directory
 getenv()         Get a Value from the Environment Table
 getpid()         Get Process ID
 gets()           Read a Line from 'Stdin'
 getw()           Read an Integer from a Stream
 gmtime()         Convert Time from Long Integer to Structure
 halloc()         Allocate and Zero Huge Memory Block
 hfree()          Deallocate Huge Memory Block
 hypot()          Calculate the Hypotenuse of a Right Triangle
 inp()            Read a Byte from the Specified Port
 int86()          Execute 8086 Software Interrupt
 int86x()         Set Segment Registers and Execute Software Interrupt
 intdos()         Invoke DOS Function, Long Form
 intdosx()        Set Seg Regs and Invoke DOS Function, Long Form
 isalnum()        Test for Alphanumeric Character (Macro)
 isalpha()        Test for Alphabetic Character (Macro)
 isascii()        Test for ASCII Character (Macro)
 isatty()         Check for Character Device
 iscntrl()        Test for Control Character
 isdigit()        Test for Digit
 isgraph()        Test for Printable Character Except Space
 islower()        Test for Lowercase
 isprint()        Test for Printable Character
 ispunct()        Test for Punctuation Character
 isspace()        Test for White-Space Character
 isupper()        Test for Uppercase
 isxdigit()       Test for Hexadecimal Digit
 itoa()           Convert Integer to String
 kbhit()          Check Keyboard Input Buffer for Character Waiting
 labs()           Calculate Absolute Value of Long Integer
 ldexp()          Convert Mantissa and Exponent to Floating Point
 lfind()          Linear Search for Key
 lsearch()        Linear Search for Key; Add Key If Not Found
 localtime()      Convert Time from Int to Structure--Local Correction
 locking()        Lock Areas of File
 log()            Calculate Natural Logarithm
 log10()          Calculate Base 10 Logarithm
 longjmp()        Restore Program State
 lseek()          Reposition File Pointer to Specified Location
 ltoa()           Convert Long to String
 malloc()         Allocate Memory Block
 matherr()        Handle Math Error
 _memavl()        Return Size of Memory Available
 memccpy()        Copy Characters from Buffer
 memchr()         Find Character in Buffer
 memcmp()         Compare Characters from Two Buffers
 memcpy()         Copy Characters between Buffers
 memicmp()        Compare Characters in Two Buffers
 memset()         Initialize Buffer
 mkdir()          Create a New Directory
 mktemp()         Create a Unique File Name
 modf()           Split Floating Point into Mantissa and Exponent
 movedata()       Copy Characters to a Different Segment
 _msize()         Return Size of Memory Block
 _nfree()         Deallocate Near Memory Block
 _nmalloc()       Allocate Near Memory Block
 _nmsize()        Return Size of Near Memory Block
 onexit()         Register Terminating Function
 open()           Open a File
 outp()           Write a Byte to the Specified Port
 perror()         Print Error Message
 pow()            Calculate X Raised to the Yth Power
 printf()         Write Formatted String to Stdout
 putc()           Write a Character to Stream
 putchar()        Write a Character to Stdout
 putch()          Write a Character to the Console
 putenv()         Create New Environment Variables
 puts()           Write String to Stdout
 putw()           Write an Integer to Stream
 qsort()          Perform Quick Sort
 rand()           Get Pseudorandom Integer
 read()           Read Data from File
 realloc()        Reallocate Memory Block
 remove()         Delete A File
 rename()         Rename a File or Directory
 rewind()         Reposition File Pointer to Beginning of Stream
 rmdir()          Remove a Directory
 rmtmp()          Remove Temporary File Created by tempfile()
 sbrk()           Reset Break Value for Calling Process
 scanf()          Read Formatted Data from Stdin
 segread()        Return Current Values of Segment Registers
 setbuf()         Control Stream Buffering
 setjmp()         Save Program State
 setmode()        Set File-Translation Mode
 setvbuf()        Control Stream Buffering and Buffer Size
 signal()         Set Interrupt Signal Handling
 sin()            Calculate Sine
 sinh()           Calculate Hyperbolic Sine
 sopen()          Open A File for File Sharing
 spawn...()       An Overview of the Eight Spawn Functions
 spawnl()         Execute Program Using: Arg List
 spawnle()        Execute Program Using: Arg List, Environment
 spawnlp()        Execute Program Using Arg List, PATH
 spawnlpe()       Execute Program Using Arg List, PATH, Environment
 spawnv()         Execute Program Using Arg Array
 spawnve()        Execute Program Using Arg Array, Environment
 spawnvp()        Execute Program Using Arg Array, PATH
 spawnvpe()       Execute Program Using Arg Array, PATH, Environment
 sprintf()        Write Formatted Data to String
 sqrt()           Calculate Square Root
 srand()          Set Random Starting Point
 sscanf()         Read Formatted Data from String
 stackavail()     Return Size of Available Stack Memory
 stat()           Get File-Status Information on Named File
 _status87()      Get 8087/80287 Floating-Point Status Word
 strcat()         Append a String
 strchr()         Find a Character in a String
 strcmp()         Compare Two Strings, Case Sensitive
 strcmpi()        Compare Two Strings, Case Insensitive
 stricmp()        Compare Two Strings, Case Insensitive
 strcpy()         Copy One String to Another
 strcspn()        Scan One String for Another
 strdup()         Duplicate String
 strerror()       Save System Error Message
 strlen()         Get String Length
 strlwr()         Convert String to Lower Case
 strncat()        Append Specified Number of Characters to a String
 strncmp()        Compare n Characters of Two Strings, Case Sensitive
 strnicmp()       Compare n Characters of Strings, Case Insensitive
 strncpy()        Copy a Specified Number of Characters
 strnset()        Initialize n Characters of String
 strpbrk()        Scan String for Character from Character Set
 strrchr()        Scan String for Last Occurrence of Character
 strrev()         Reverse Characters in String
 strset()         Set All Characters in String
 strspn()         Find First Substring
 strstr()         Find Substring
 strtod()         Convert String to Double
 strtol()         Convert String to Long Decimal Integer
 strtok()         Finds Next Token in String
 strupr()         Convert String to Uppercase
 swab()           Swap Bytes
 system()         Execute DOS Command
 tan()            Calculate Tangent
 tanh()           Calculate Hyperbolic Tangent
 tell()           Get Current File Pointer Position
 tempnam()        Generate a Temporary File Name in Given Directory
 time()           Get Current System Time as Long Integer
 tmpfile()        Create a Temporary File
 tmpnam()         Generate a Temporary File Name
 toascii()        Convert 'c' to ASCII Character
 tolower()        Convert 'c' To Lowercase, If Appropriate
 _tolower()       Convert 'c' to Lowercase
 toupper()        Convert 'c' to Uppercase, If Appropriate
 _toupper()       Convert 'c' to Uppercase
 tzset()          Set External Time Variables, Environment Variables
 ultoa()          Convert Unsigned Long to String
 umask()          Set Default Permission Mask
 ungetc()         Push Character Back onto the Stream
 ungetch()        Push Back the Last Character Read from the Console
 unlink()         Delete a File
 utime()          Set File-Modification Time
 va_arg()         Access Variable Number of Arguments, UNIX V Style
 va_arg()         Access Variable Number of Arguments, ANSI C Style
 vfprintf()       Write Formatted Data to Stream
 vprintf()        Write Formatted Data to Stdout
 vsprintf()       Write Formatted Data to String
 write()          Write Data to a File

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