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#include                 File Inclusion

    Source code in headers may be included using one of the following
    forms of the #include directive.

                #include <header-name>
                #include "header-name"

      Notes:    header-name is a file specifier containing the (optional)
                location and name of the header to be included. The file
                named must exist.

                If no path name is specified and the "..." format is
                used, the preprocessor first searches the directory of
                the including file. It then searches the places specified
                on the compile command-line, and finally, it searches the
                standard directories.

                If the <...> format is used, the preprocessor searches
                the places specified on the compile command-line and then
                the standard directories.

                If header-name contains a complete path name the header
                must be located there, regardless of whether the "..." or
                <...> format is used.

                The list of standard directories is specified first by
                the compile-time switches /I and /X and then by the
                INCLUDE environment variable.

                #include directives can be nested up to 10 levels deep

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