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    Syntax - MODE characters [shift [T]]

    (External) Shifts the video screen the specified number of characters.
    (Each character equals two characters in a 80 column screen and one
    character in a 40 column screen.)

            shift   is the direction of the shift, either R or L.

            T       creates a test screen.

            mode 80 l t

    Syntax - MODE linefeed

    (External) Turns the printer linefeed on or off.  Linefeed can be either
    LFON or LFOFF.

            mode lfon

    Syntax - MODE printer

    (External) Set the printer type.  Printer can be either DMP (dot matrix),
    DWP (daisy wheel), or NL (reset).

            mode dwp

    Syntax - MODE scan

    (External) Sets video scan lines.  Scan can be either 200 or 225.

            mode 225

    Syntax - MODE [video] [characters]

    (External) Sets the video mode and characters per line.  Video can be
    BW (black and white) or CO (color).  Characters can be 40 or 80.

            mode co 80

    Syntax - MODE COLORMAP [oldcolor newcolor]

    (External) Changes the video palette color specified by oldcolor to the
    color specified by newcolor.  The colors available are: black, blue,
    green, cyan, red, magenta, yellow, gray, dark gray, light blue,
    light green, light cyan, light red, light magenta, light yellow, and
    white.  If you omit all parameters, all colors are reset to their
    original colors.

            mode colormap  blue white

    Syntax - MODE COM number: [baud] [parity] [databits] [stopbits] [P]

    (External) Sets the RS232 parameters.

            number: is the RS232 serial port number, either 1 or 2.

            baud    is the baud rate: 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
                    or 9600.  The default is 300.

            parity  can be: N (no parity), E (even parity), or O (odd parity).
                    The default is even parity.

            databit can be either 7 or 8.  The default is 7.

            stopbit can be either 1 or 2.  The default is 1.

            P       specifies that a serial printer is using the RS232 port
                    and tells the printer driver to continuously retry to
                    output on timeout errors.

            mode com1: 1200 n 8 1

    Syntax - MODE FAST

    (External) Sets the CPU speed to 7.16 MHz.

            mode fast

    Syntax - MODE LPT1: characters [/type] [,P]

    (External) Sets printer characters per line.

            characters  is the characters per line, either 80 or 132.

            /type   is the printer type: DMP for dot matrix printers or PC
                    for PC-compatible printers.  The default is DMP.

            P       tells the printer driver to continuously retry to
                    output on timeout errors.

            mode lpt1: 80 /pc ,p

    Syntax - MODE LPT1: timeout

    (External) Sets the line printer timeout delay.

            timeout is the timeout delay: LONG (2 minutes) or SHORT
                    (45 seconds).

            mode lpt1: short

    Syntax - MODE LPT1: = COMserial

    (External) Redirects the printer output from the specified parallel port
    to the specified RS232 port.  (Initialize the RS232 port with the MODE
    COM command before redirecting printer output.)

            serial  is the RS232 port number (1 or 2).

            mode lpt1: = com1

    Syntax - MODE MONO [switch]

    (External) Sets up the computer to use color-oriented software with a
    monochrome monitor.  Software color requests are translated to black,
    white, and intense white.  If you omit the switch, MODE MONO asks if
    you have a 350 scan line or a 200 scan line monitor.  (Choose 350 only
    if your computer supports an optional video board and you install a
    Mono/Text video board.)

            switch  can be:

            ON      turns on MODE MONO

            OFF     turns off MODE MONO

            200     turns on MODE MONO

            350     turns on MODE MONO and changes the active video
                    adapter to Mono/Text.

            mode mono off

    Syntax - MODE SLOW

    (External) Sets the CPU speed to 4.77 MHz.

            mode slow

    Syntax - MODE TV

    (External) Sets up the computer to use a color TV.  (Sets 200 video scan
    lines, color video mode, and 40 characters per line.)

            mode tv

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