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    Syntax - PRINT [pathname [/C] [/P]...] [/T]

    DOS 2.11

    (External) Puts as many as ten files in the print queue for background
    printing.  If you omit all parameters, PRINT displays the contents of
    the print queue.

            pathname  is the name of the file you want to print.

            /C      deletes (cancels) from the print queue the file that
                    immediately precedes and all files that follow /C in
                    the command line.

            /P      adds to the print queue (prints) the file that
                    immediately precedes and all files that follow /P in the
                    command line.

            /T      deletes (terminates) all files from the print queue.  Do
                    NOT use /T with a pathname.

            print fconsole.doc /p mortgage.bas

    Syntax - PRINT [pathname [/D:device] [/B:size] [/Q:value] [/C] [/P]

    DOS 3.2

    (External) See above 2.11 PRINT for a brief description...

    NOTE:   /C, /P, /T and pathname are the same for MS-DOS 3.2 as for 2.11..

            /D:device specifies the print device.  LPT1 is the default.

            /B:size   sets the size (in bytes) of the internal buffer.

            /Q:value  sets the number of files (4-32) allowed in the print
                      queue.  The default number is 10.

            print thisdoc1.txt /c thisdoc2.txt /p thisdoc3.txt

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