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   Syntax - SPOOLER [printer] [/P] [/S] [/C] [/G]

    (External) Lets you send commands to and get the status of the print
    spooler loaded by CONFIG.SYS.

            /P      pauses spooler printing.  Issue the SPOOLER/P command
                    again to resume printing.  (The pause is automatically
                    canceled and printing resumes when the printer buffer
                    is full.)

            /S      interrupts the spooler in order to print the current
                    printer data.

            /C      clears the spooler.  Any data that is in the spooler
                    when you clear it is lost.

            /G      returns the current spooler status, including whether the
                    spooler has been installed, the status of pause, if
                    buffering is on or off, what size buffer, and how much
                    of the buffer is being used.

            spooler /g

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