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N_FCOPY( <cSourcefile>, <cOutfile> )


Path (optional) and file name of the file to be copied.

Path (optional) and file name of the new file. If a file of this name 
already exists, it will be overwritten--assuming, of course, that it 
can be overwritten (that is, it is not a hidden, system, or 
transactional file, or one protected in some other way).


Logical true if the file was copied successfully, otherwise false.


N_FCOPY() is an alternative to the Clipper COPY FILE command. Unlike 
COPY FILE, NetLib's N_FCOPY() does not load COMMAND.COM and therefore 
requires less overhead. 

N_FCOPY() does not accept wildcards ( * or ?) and it can only be used 
to copy individual files.

If your application is running on a Novell network and if both files 
are on the same server, N_FCOPY() executes a high-speed "server copy".


// Copy main database to temporary file for 
// reporting purposes. Use station number
// to create temporary file TEMPn.DBF
cOutfile = 'TEMP' + LTRIM(STR(N_STANUM())) + '.DBF'
N_FCOPY('Custfile.dbf', cOutfile)
USE &cOutfile

// Print a text file

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