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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! NetLib for Clipper, Version 6.0 - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
N_ABANDON()        Void most recent uncommitted update in current work area
N_ADDR()           Get the network node number of a station
N_AREDIRECT()      Store list of redirected devices, network paths in array
N_ASERVER()        Get a list of attached servers
N_ATTACH()*        Attach to a server
N_DATE()           Get server's date, or set local station's date to server's
N_DBF()            Get the name of the currently selected database
N_DBT()            Get name of DBT file, if any, open in current work area
N_DEBUG()          Simulate a network for testing
N_DETACH()*        Detach from a server after logging out
N_DIRTYREAD()      Open files in read-only mode without locking indexes
N_DRVTYPE()        Determine drive type (network, local, undefined)
N_ENVLEN()         Get the length of the root environment string
N_ENVSIZ()         Get the size of the root environment space
N_ERROR()          Get error code, if any, from most recent NetLib operation
N_FATTR()*         Set, reset, or read a file attribute
N_FATTRGET()       Get the current setting of file attribute(s)
N_FATTRSET()       Set file attribute(s)
N_FCOPY()          Copy one file to another
N_FDRIVE()         Get the drive letter portion of a filespec
N_FEXT()           Get the extension portion of a filespec
N_FMAP()           Get the filespec associated with a handle
N_FNAME()          Get a base file name
N_FPATH()          Get the path portion of a filespec
N_FSPEC()          Get the full filespec corresponding to a filename
N_FULLNAME()       Get the full name of the user logged in at a station
N_FUNIQUE()        Create a filename that is unique within a directory
N_FVOL()           Get the network volume name of a drive letter
N_GATHER()         Replace fields of a record with elements of an array
N_GETENV()         Get environment variable or entire environment buffer
N_HANDLES()        Set the available number of file handles
N_INWIN()          Detect a task-switching environment
N_LOGIN()          Attach and log an object (normally a user) into a server
N_LOGMSG()         Write up to 80 characters to the Novell system log
N_LOGOUT()         Log out and detach from a server
N_MAPDRIVE()       Create, query or destroy a drive mapping
N_MODENV()         Set a new environment variable
N_NDX()            Get how many index files open, or name of nth index file
N_NETADDR()        Get a full network address
N_NETNAME()        Get a NetBIOS name table entry
N_READONLY()       Set read-only mode for subsequent USE
N_READY()          Ready a program for network operation
N_RECCON()         Get the current record buffer
N_REDIRECT()       Redirect a device or cancel redirection of a device
N_RESTATTR()       Restore screen attributes
N_RIGHTS()         Get the current user's effective rights in a directory
N_SAVEATTR()       Save screen attributes to a memory variable
N_SCATTER()        Store fields of a record to elements of an array
N_SECONDS()        Get the current system time from the server
N_SERIAL()         Get the server's serial number
N_SERVER()         Set or get the preferred server
N_SERVNUM()        Get a server's connection number
N_SETDIR()         Set the current directory on a drive
N_SETDRV()         Set the current drive
N_SETLOG()         Enable/disable login to a server
N_STAMAX()         Get/set the number of stations on the network
N_STANUM()         Get/set the current station number
N_STATUS()         Verify that NetLib will function correctly on a network
N_TIME()           Get the current system time (.hh:mm:ss.) from a server
N_UPDATED()        Compare elements of an array with fields of a record
N_USE()            Open a database file. (Verify that the file exists)
N_VERSION()        Get the server version number and other statistics
N_WHERE()          Get the station number where a user is logged in
N_WHOAMI()         Get the login name of the user logged in at a station
N_WHOAREYOU()      Get station num/server type associated with network addr.

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