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N_B_NAME( <nId> | <hId> )


Bindery ID of object in numeric form.

Bindery ID of object as a hexadecimal string.


Name of the specified bindery object.

If the specified ID is invalid, a null string ("") is returned.


The argument is the bindery ID for the object, passed in either numeric 
form or as a hexadecimal string.

If a hexadecimal string is passed, the string must have 0-9 as the 
first digit or be prefixed with 0. That is,

N_B_NAME('C000008')   // not OK
N_B_NAME('0C000008')  // OK

The bindery ID is analogous to the object's record pointer in the 
bindery and has no relation to the object's Internet address.


// Find out who owns a mailbox directory.
cMailDir = 'D000003'
nID = PADL(cMailDir, 8, '0')
? 'Mail directory: ' + cMailDir + '  Owner: ' + N_B_NAME(nID)
Mail directory: D000003  Owner: DON

See Also: N_B_ID() N_B_TYPE()

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