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 Add a new property to an object.

 bResult = ObjPropertyAdd( lpszObjectName,
             wObjectType, lpszPropertyName,
             iPropertyFlags, iSecurityLevel )

 lpszObjectName   The object name to be given to the new property.
 wObjectType      The object type.
 lpszPropertyName The property name.
 iPropertyFlags   The property flags.
 iSecurityLevel   The property security level.

 A boolean value (TRUE or FALSE).

 The CA-Clipper name for this function is:

 ObjPropertyAdd() adds a new property to a given bindery object.
 lpszObjectName and wObjectType are the bindery object and type of the
 object to be given the new property, lpszPropertyName is the name of the
 new property, e.g. "IDENTIFICATION". iPropertyFlags is the property flags
 which are represented by a number and iSecurityLevel is the security
 level of the new property, also represented by a number.

 See the description of properties in the reference in Chapter 3, Bindery
 Functions for a list of valid flags and security levels.

 Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if an error occurs.

 // To give user JOHN a new property called IDENTIFICATION,
 // with a type static item (0), and a security level of Supervisor write,
 // logged read (49):
 if ( ObjPropertyAdd( "JOHN", 1, "IDENTIFICATION", 0, 49 ) )
    ? "John now has a property called IDENTIFICATION"

 ObjPropertyAdd() creates a property but does not give it a value.
 If you try to read the new property with ItmPropertyValueGet(), an error
 will occur. ItmPropertyValueSet() needs to be called to actually give the
 property a value.

 This call may require Supervisor equivalence depending on the security
 level of the property.

See Also: ObjPropertyDelete() ObjPropertyList() ItmPropertyValueGet() / ItmPropertyValueSet() SetPropertyValueGet() / SetPropertyValueSet()

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