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 Array                    Declaring and using arrays
 Array Constants          Declaring and using array constants
 Aux                      Device name assigned to COM1
 Boolean                  Byte value for True of False
 Byte                     Subrange of Integer values 0..255
 Case                     Multiple condition testing
 Char                     One ASCII character
 Con                      Device name assigned to console
 Const                    Named, Typed, and Structured constants
 Derived                  Derived trig functions
 External                 External assembler procedures
 False                    Boolean False constant = 0
 File                     Untype file declaration
 File Of                  Typed file declaration
 Files                    Information on file structure and usage
 For/To/Downto            For/Next loop
 Heap/Stack               Heap and Stack information
 If/Then                  Conditional program control
 Include                  Include source file in program file
 Input                    Predefined Standard Input file
 Integer                  Whole numbers +32767 to -32768
 Kbd                      Non-echoed keyboard input
 Label                    Declaring an address
 Lst                      Assigned to printer device
 MaxInt                   Predefined value of 32767
 Nil                      Empty pointer
 Output                   Predefined Standard Output file
 Path                     Disk subdirectories
 Pi                       Predefined constant = 3.1415926536 E+00
 Pointer                  32 bit address of a variable in memory
 Radian                   Trigonometric angle measurement
 Real                     Floating point numeric declarations
 Record                   Data structure divided into fields
 Repeat/Until             Loop until condition
 Set                      Collection of simple types
 String                   String declarations
 Text                     Text file identifier type
 Trm                      Device assigned to TRM:
 True                     Boolean True constant = 1
 Type                     Type declarations
 Usr                      Assigned to USR: device
 Var                      Variable declarations
 Variant                  Variant record fields
 While                    Loop while condition
 With                     Use field identifiers on a record

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