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  Unlike function 22H, function 28H (decimal 40) writes one or more records,
  starting at a specified random file location. DS:DX points to the FCB for
  the file to be written, and the random record number is then taken from
  this FCB. CX contains the number of records desired and in this case, CX
  can be 00H. CX = 00H signals DOS to adjust the file's length to the
  position of the specified random record. This adjustment makes it easier
  for a program to manage random files: If you have logically deleted
  records at the end of a file, this service allows you to truncate the file
  at that point by setting the file's length in CX, thereby freeing disk

  The return codes are the same as they are for function 22H: AL = 00H
  indicates a successful write; AL = 01H means that no more disk space is
  available; and AL = 02H indicates that the DTA segment was too small. No
  matter what the result, CX is always set to the number of records written.

  Contrast this function with function 22H, which writes only one random

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