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(PHP 5)


(no version information, might be only in CVS)

SQLiteDatabase->fetchColumnTypes --  Return an array of column types from a particular table


array sqlite_fetch_column_types ( string table_name, resource dbhandle [, int result_type] )

Object oriented style (method):

class SQLiteDatabase {

array fetchColumnTypes ( string table_name [, int result_type] )


sqlite_fetch_column_types() returns an array of column data types from the specified table_name table.



The table name to query.


The SQLite Database resource; returned from sqlite_open() when used procedurally. This parameter is not required when using the object-oriented method.


The optional result_type parameter accepts a constant and determines how the returned array will be indexed. Using SQLITE_ASSOC will return only associative indices (named fields) while SQLITE_NUM will return only numerical indices (ordinal field numbers). SQLITE_BOTH will return both associative and numerical indices. SQLITE_ASSOC is the default for this function.

Return Values

Returns an array of column data types; FALSE on error.

The column names returned by SQLITE_ASSOC and SQLITE_BOTH will be case-folded according to the value of the sqlite.assoc_case configuration option.


5.1.0Added result_type


Example 1. Procedural example

$db = sqlite_open('mysqlitedb');
sqlite_query($db, 'CREATE TABLE foo (bar varchar(10), arf text)');
$cols = sqlite_fetch_column_types('foo', $db, SQLITE_ASSOC);

foreach ($cols as $column => $type) {
    echo "Column: $column  Type: $type";

Example 2. Object-oriented example

$db = new SQLiteDatabase('mysqlitedb');
$db->query('CREATE TABLE foo (bar varchar(10), arf text)');
$cols = $db->fetchColumnTypes('foo', SQLITE_ASSOC);

foreach ($cols as $column => $type) {
    echo "Column: $column  Type: $type";

The above example will output:

Column: bar  Type: VARCHAR
Column: arf  Type: TEXT