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(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PHP 5 <= 5.0.4)

udm_api_version -- Get mnoGoSearch API version


int udm_api_version ( void )

udm_api_version() returns the mnoGoSearch API version number. E.g. if mnoGoSearch 3.1.10 API is used, this function will return 30110.

This function allows the user to identify which API functions are available, e.g. udm_get_doc_count() function is only available in mnoGoSearch 3.1.11 or later.

Example 1. udm_api_version() example

if (udm_api_version() &#62;= 30111) {
    echo  "Total number of URLs in database: " . udm_get_doc_count($udm) . "&#60;br /&#62;\n";