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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Paradox Engine 3.0 for C - a<u>nnn</u> - alphanumeric: <b>size 1 to 255 bytes</b> [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
  Annn - alphanumeric:  size 1 to 255 bytes
       nnn denotes the maximum length which may be from 1 to 255.
       This type may contain any ASCII character except NULL (0x00)
       which terminates the string.

  D    - date:   size 4 bytes  unsigned long
       C type long.  A Julian type date which is defined as the number
       of days since 1/1/00.  Leap years are accounted for only in the
       last year stored.  That is,  all years except the current year are
       considered to have 365 days.  Very handy,  actually,  since you can
       determine the Julian day with: JulianDay = pdate % 365 and the year
       with: year = pdate / 365.

  N,$  - numeric:    size 8 bytes  signed double
       may contain up to 15 significant digits (before rounding).  Can
       store values from .10E-307 to .10E308 (easily stores my bank
       balance).  Working with these fields can be a bit tricky.  Depending
       on the value stored,  it may correspond to a C type double,  float,
       long,  or integer.  Strongly recommend testing for blank conditions
       and out-of-range errors.

  S    - numeric:    size 2 bytes  signed int
       Same as N and $ except that it may only contain values ranging from
       -32,767 to 32,767.  Corresponds to 16 bit integer.

Blobs: The blob itself is kept in a separate file. The information
       stored in the record simply tells Paradox where to find the blob in
       the blob (.MB) file. This information is stored in the first 10
       bytes of the record structure.  In addition,  a leader of 1 to 240
       bytes may also be specified.  For instance a blob defined as M15
       would occupy 25 bytes in the record.

  Mnnn - unformatted memo text
       Intended to store text data.

       nnn specifies the size of the leader (1 to 240).  This leader is
       stored in the record and consists of the first nnn bytes of the
       actual blob data.

  Bnnn - unformatted binary
       Intended to store arbitrary binary data.  What you use a binary blob
       for is limited primarily by your imagination.  Possibilities include
       machine code,  graphic images,  compressed data,  structures,
       arrays,  arrays of structures,  etc.  The only consideration is that
       Paradox (nor anyone else) will have any idea what is stored in such
       a blob,  or what to do with.

       nnn specifies the size of the leader (0 to 240).  This leader is
       stored in the record and consists of the first nnn bytes of the
       actual blob data.

Note: The following types, used by Paradox for Windows, are not
   currently supported by the engine.  Theses blobs contain an additional
   header field which contains formatting and usage information.  While the
   Engine can read these blobs,  it provides no method to access the header

  Fnnn - formatted memo text

  Onnn - Windows OLE object

  Gnnn - Graphics (structured)

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