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 Mnemonic                Number   Indication
PXERR_DRIVENOTREADY         1     Drive not ready
PXERR_DIRNOTFOUND           2     Directory not found
PXERR_FILEBUSY              3     File is busy
PXERR_FILELOCKED            4     File is locked
PXERR_FILENOTFOUND          5     Could not find file
PXERR_TABLECORRUPTED        6     Table is corrupted
PXERR_XCORRUPTED            7     Primary index is corrupted
PXERR_XOUTOFDATE            8     Primary index is out of date
PXERR_RECLOCKED             9     Record is locked
PXERR_DIRBUSY              10     Sharing violation
PXERR_DIRLOCKED            11     Sharing violation
PXERR_DIRNOACCESS          12     No access to directory
PXERR_XSORTVERSION         13     Sort for index different from table
PXERR_DIRNOTPRIVATE        14     Single user, but directory is shared
PXERR_NETMULTIPLE          15     multiple PARADOX.NET files
PXERR_INUSEBYPDOX35        16     Directory is in use by Paradox 3.5
PXERR_INSUFRIGHTS          21     Insufficient password rights
PXERR_TABLEWRITEPRO        22     Table is write protected
PXERR_TYPEMISMATCH         30     Data type mismatch
PXERR_OUTOFRANGE           31     Argument out of range
PXERR_INVPARAMETER         33     Invalid argument
PXERR_OUTOFMEM             40     Not enough memory to complete operation
PXERR_OUTOFDISK            41     Not enough disk space to complete operation
PXERR_RECDELETED           50     Another user deleted record
PXERR_BLOBMODE             51     Operation not applicable for Blob's
PXERR_BLOBOPEN             52     Blob already open.
PXERR_BLOBINVOFFSET        53     Invalid offset into Blob.
PXERR_BLOBINVSIZE          54     Invalid size for Blob.
PXERR_BLOBMODIFIED         55     Another user modified Blob.
PXERR_BLOBCORRUPT          56     Blob file corrupted.
PXERR_BLOBNOINDEX          57     Cannot index on a Blob.
PXERR_BLOBINVHANDLE        59     Invalid Blob handle.
PXERR_BLOBNOSEARCH         60     Can't search on a Blob field.
PXERR_OUTOFFILEHANDLES     70     No more file handles available
PXERR_OUTOFTABLEHANDLES    72     No more table handles available
PXERR_INVDATE              73     Invalid date given
PXERR_INVFIELDNAME         74     Invalid field name
PXERR_INVFIELDHANDLE       75     Invalid field handle
PXERR_INVTABLEHANDLE       76     Invalid table handle
PXERR_NOTINITERR           78     Engine not initialized
PXERR_INVENGINESTATE       79     Previous fatal error; cannot proceed
PXERR_STRUCTDIFFER         81     Table structures are different
PXERR_ALREADYINIT          82     Engine already initialized
PXERR_TABLEOPEN            83     Unable to perform operation on open table
PXERR_NOMORETMPNAMES       86     No more temporary names available
PXERR_RECNOTFOUND          89     Record was not found
PXERR_CANTUPGRADE          92     Table too old to upgrade, or
PXERR_TABLEPRE40           93     Feature not available for pre Paradox 4.0 tables
PXERR_TABLEINDEXED         94     Table is indexed
PXERR_TABLENOTINDEXED      95     Table is not indexed
PXERR_SXOUTOFDATE          96     Secondary index is out of date
PXERR_KEYVIOL              97     Key violation
PXERR_NOTLOGGEDIN          98     Could not login on network (to PARADOX.NET)
PXERR_INVTABLENAME         99     Invalid table name
PXERR_ENDOFTABLE          101     End of table
PXERR_STARTOFTABLE        102     Start of table
PXERR_OUTOFRECHANDLES     103     No more record handles available
PXERR_INVRECHANDLE        104     Invalid record handle
PXERR_TABLEEMPTY          105     Operation on empty table
PXERR_INVLOCKCODE         106     Invalid lock code
PXERR_NONETINIT           107     Engine not initialized with PXNetInit
PXERR_INVFILENAME         108     Invalid file name
PXERR_INVUNLOCK           109     Invalid unlock
PXERR_INVLOCKHANDLE       110     Invalid lock handle
PXERR_OUTOFLOCKHANDLES    111     Too many locks on table
PXERR_INVSORTORDER        112     Invalid sort order table
PXERR_INVNETTYPE          113     Invalid net type (PXNetInit)
PXERR_INVDIRNAME          114     Invalid directory name
PXERR_TOOMANYPASSW        115     Too many passwords specified
PXERR_INVPASSW            116     Invalid password
PXERR_BUFTOOSMALL         117     Buffer too small for result
PXERR_TABLEBUSY           118     Table is busy
PXERR_TABLELOCKED         119     Table is locked
PXERR_TABLENOTFOUND       120     Table was not found
PXERR_SXNOTFOUND          121     Secondary index was not found
PXERR_SXCORRUPTED         122     Secondary index is corrupted
PXERR_SXOPEN              123     Not used-here for backwards compatability
PXERR_DISKWRITEPRO        124     Disk is write protected
PXERR_RECTOOBIG           125     Record too big for index
PXERR_GENERALFAILURE      126     General hardware error
PXERR_OUTOFSTACK          127     Not enough stack space to complete operation
PXERR_TABLEFULL           128     Table is full
PXERR_OUTOFSWAPBUF        129     Not enough swap buffer space to complete operation
PXERR_TABLESQL            130     Table is SQL replica
PXERR_CANTSHAREPDOXNET    134     can't lock PARADOX.NET -- is SHARE.EXE loaded?
PXERR_WINDOWSREALMODE     135     can't run Engine in Windows real mode
PXERR_SXCANTUPDATE        136     Can't update table open on non-maintained secondary
PXERR_LOCKTIMEOUT         137     Timed out trying to achieve a lock.

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