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POINT                    Attribute or Value at Screen Location

 y = POINT({x,y | n})

    Returns the attribute of a specified screen coordinate or coordinate
    information about the current screen location.

         x,y    Screen coordinates. POINT(x,y) returns the attribute of
                the screen location specified by the two arguments. The
                screen coordinates must be given in absolute form (STEP is
                not allowed). If either coordinate is out of range, POINT
                returns -1.

           n    Must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. POINT(n) returns the following
                information about the current screen location:

                If n = 0      the current physical x coordinate.
                If n = 1      the current physical y coordinate.
                If n = 2      the current world x coordinate, if WINDOW is
                    active; otherwise, the current physical x coordinate.
                If n = 3      the current world y coordinate, if WINDOW is
                    active; otherwise, the current physical y coordinate.

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