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 setmultitask                                                          QWIKC
 Function       Set QWIKC variables to write direct to multi-tasking video
                buffers (MTVB).
 Syntax         void setmultitask(void);
 Remarks        This function alters the following variables if the program
                is running under a multi-tasking environment and the user
                has chosen to use the faster MTVB.  If there is no multi-
                tasking environment or the MTVB is not used (normal direct
                screen video), then these variables are unaltered.  If you
                use TC's conio routines, be sure to set directvideo to 0
                when using the MTVB.

                  qscrptr     - the segment is altered, but the offset is
                                usually 0.
                  page0seg    - set to match qscrseg to indicate page 0.
                  qsnow       - set to 0.
                  inmultask   - 1 if using MTVB, otherwise set to 0.

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