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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! QWIKC20 & Multi-Level Virtual Windows - Norton Guide [^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
 accesswindow()         Access a covered window
 changeborder()         Changes the border to a new style
 getlevelindex()        Scan for first matching windowname
 heapok()               Check heap space available
 hidewindow()           Hide current top window
 initwindow()           Initialises WNDWC routines
 locatecursor()         Find cursor in window
 makewindow()           Make a window
 move16()               Copy a number of bytes
 movewindow()           Move top window relative to current position
 movewords()            Copy number of contiguous bytes
 removewindow()         Remove current top window
 restoreborder()        Restore original border style
 restoretcwindow()      Restore original attributes, cursor, and EOS
 setcursordefault()     Set default cursor mode
 setvirtualsize()       Set virtual screen dimensions
 setwindowmodes()       Set modes used by makewindow
 showwindow()           Make hidden window top window
 titlewindow()          Place title on top current window
 vresizewindow()        Resize current top virtual window
 vscrollview()          Change reference point of virtual screen
 vupdatecursor()        Updates the current virtual window cursor
 vupdaterows()          Updates rows in the current virtual window
 vupdatetitles()        Updates the current virtual window titles
 vupdateview()          Updates the current virtual window view
 vupdatewindow()        Update current virtual window and view
 vviewrc()              Alter upper left viewing reference point
 vviewrcrel()           Alter upper left viewing reference point
 vzoomwindow()          Switch screen between full and original size
 weosc()                Find relative column of EOS marker
 weosln()               Move EOS to start of next line
 weostorc()             Position EOS marker relative to current window
 weosr()                Find relative row of EOS marker
 wbrdrh()               Draw partition from side to side of window
 wbrdrpart()            Place border part in window
 wbrdrv()               Draw partition from side to side of window
 wclreol()              Erase to end-of-line
 wclreos()              Erase from EOS to end-of-line
 wclrfield()            Clear a field
 wclrfieldeos()         Clears a field starting at EOS
 wclrline()             Clears a specified row
 wclrscr()              Clears the entire window
 wclrtitle()            Clears the titles from the specified row
 wdelline()             Deletes a line at a specified row
 wgotoeos()             Positions the cursor to match the EOS marker
 wgotorc()              Positions the cursor relative to the window
 winsline()             Inserts a blank line at a specified row
 wlineh()               Places a horizontal line in the window
 wlinepart()            Places single line part at relative location
 wlinev()               Places a vertical line in the window
 writeandviewpage()     Change video page to be viewed
 writetocrt()           Prepare WNDWC to write to top window
 writetohidden()        Prepare WNDWC to write to hidden window
 writetopage()          Select which video page to write to
 writetovirtual()       Prepare WNDWC to write to virtual scree
 wscrolldown()          Scroll down current window
 wscrollup()            Scroll up current window
 wwherec()              Get window-relative column of the cursor
 wwherer()              Get window-relative row of the cursor
 wwrite()               Writes a string relative to the current window
 wwritec()              Write centered string to current window
 wwrite_sub()           Write fixed length sub-string to current window

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