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       Type          : 27
       Name          : Post message
       Optional Data : <Message Area #> or /M [/L] [/T=<Name>]

       Post  a  message  in the specified area  (or  the  currently
       selected  template area if the "/M" is used).  The user must
       have  either write or sysop access to the message  area,  as
       defined  in RACONFIG.  The /L option will log the  user  off
       immediately  after the message is saved (useful for a "Leave
       message  to  sysop before disconnecting"  option).  The  /T=
       option will force the message to be addressed to a  specific
       user.  Simply  place  the user's name in the  optional  data
       field  after  the /T= parameter to select this  option.  For
       example, on my "log-off" menu, I have the following entry:

       Menu Type 27
       Optional Data: 60 /L /T=Andrew_Milner

       (Any messages to "Sysop" are redirected to the sysop's  name
       as defined in RACONFIG).  If you do use a full name, be sure
       to use underscores in place of spaces.

       Specifying a message area number of zero forces RemoteAccess
       to  display all message areas that the user has write access
       to and prompt for the message area to post the message in.

       When  posting a message,  the  user will be prompted for the
       following information:

          Alias?     : If the  message  area allows  users to  post
                       messages  using   an  Alias,  the user  will
                       be asked if they wish  to do so,  if they do
                       they  will  then  be prompted for  the alias
                       they wish to use.

          To         : In this  field the user  must enter the name
                       of the  recipient of  the message.  In Echo-
                       Mail areas any  name will  be  accepted.  If
                       however the user  is posting a  message in a
                       local message area, RemoteAccess will search
                       the user  database   to  confirm   that  the
                       recipient is a valid  user of the system. If
                       no record of the recipient is found the user
                       is informed and  asked if they would like to
                       view/search the user database.  If  the user
                       elects not to search  the user database  the
                       message will be posted as normal.

                       In   addition   to   posting   messages   to
                       individual users,   it is  possible  to post
                       mail  to a  group of  users.   The following
                       macros  are valid  for a user to  use in the
                       "to" field  of a  message provided they have
                       the minimum security level  required to post
                       a group mail message.

                       Send msg to :

                          @[g] - all users in group [g]
                          @ALL - all users
                          =[s] - all users with security = [s]
                          >[s] - all users with security > [s]
                          <[s] - all users with security < [s]

                       A separately addressed message is generated
                       for  each  qualifying user,  so large group
                       mailings can take a little while to process
                       and occupy a large amount of disk space.

          Address    : If the message is being posted in a Netmail
                       area, the user will be prompted to enter the
                       network address of the system they  wish to
                       sent the mail  to.    If the user is unsure
                       of the network  address,  they  may  browse
                       the nodelist  obtain the  correct  address.
                       NOTE :   Browse  the   nodelist  is  a  {+}
                       registered feature only.

          Subject    : In this field,  the  user may  place a short
                       description  of the  subject  matter of  the

          Private?   : If private  messages  are  permitted  in the
                       message area,  the  user  will be  given the
                       option to   address  the mail  privately for
                       reading by the recipient only.

          Crash?     : This option  determines if a Netmail message
                       is sent immediately from your system  to the
                       destination  system.   The  option  is  only
                       available  to  users  who have  the  minimum
                       security level to use Crash mail.


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