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       SysOp keys

       The following keys work while a user is on-line:

       [F1]          : This  displays   the  users name,  location,
                       security,  time remaining,  connection speed
                       and the line  number he/she is on.   If  the
                       user has ANSI or AVATAR emulations  on  this
                       is also displayed on this line.

       [F2]          : This displays the users voice and data phone
                       numbers, the date and time on which the user
                       last called, the date the user first called,
                       the number of times the user  has called and
                       the age and birthday of the user.

       [F3]          : The number  of files  the user  has uploaded
                       and downloaded is displayed,  including  the
                       total  kilobytes  of the  uploads/downloads.
                       Also,  on  this line,  is the users security
                       flag combinations.

       [F4]          : This displays the system statistics such as;
                       Last caller,  total  system  calls,  current
                       time,  printer  status,  local screen status
                       and the  time  and errorlevel  of  the  next
                       system  event.

       [F5]          : This displays the total  number of  messages
                       posted by the user,  highest  message number
                       the   user  has  read,  the  users  selected
                       language,  the  users   group   number,  the
                       amount of  netmail  credit the  user has and
                       the users handle.

       [F6]          : User's reason for wanting chat (if any).

       [F7]          : Interactive EMSI session information.

       [F9]          : Help! Hot-key summary.

       [F10]         : Turn off the status bar to show exactly what
                       the  user is seeing. [F1] to [F5] brings  it

       [CTL-A]       : Opens  and  closes a capture file  during  a
                       chat session.

       [ALT-Fn]      : Activate one of ten programs in a shell,  or
                       exit to DOS at a certain errorlevel.

       [ALT-A]       : Disable/enable answering (only available at
                       the "wait for call" screen).

       [ALT-C]       : Break in for  a chat  if there is a user  on
                       remotely.  ESC finishes chat mode and  drops
                       the user back to the BBS.

       [ALT-D]       : Toggles  "Snoop" mode, ie. whether the local
                       screen shows what the user is doing.

       [ALT-E]       : Activates a pop-up user attribute editor for
                       the user currently online.

       [ALT-H]       : Hang up on the user immediately.

       [ALT-J]       : Drop to a DOS shell while the user is  still

       [ALT-L]       : Lock the  user out of the system by dropping
                       his/her security level to zero  and  hanging

       [ALT-N]       : Toggle "sysop on next".  When  this mode  is
                       activated   (indicated  by  [NS]  on  the F1
                       status  bar),  RemoteAccess  will pause  and
                       page  the  sysop  for  two  minutes when the
                       current user  logs  off.  After  paging  the
                       sysop RA will then exit with  and errorlevel
                       of "2".    {+} Registered only.

       [ALT-O]       : Override paging  hours.  This allows you  to
                       enable or disable sysop paging regardless of
                       the time.  Note that this is permanent,  and
                       affects all lines until reset.

       [ALT-P]       : Toggle printer logging.

       [ALT-S]       : Modify the current user's security level.

       [Up-Arrow]    : Increase the user's time by one minute.

       [Down-Arrow]  : Decrease the user's time by one minute.

       [Scroll Lock] : Disables the paging tune. When a user  pages
                       the SysOp no sound will be  produced  at the
                       local console.

       When  the system is waiting for a call,  the only sysop keys
       that are  active are [ALT-O], [ALT-J],  [ALT-D], [ALT-P] and
       [ALT-A]. However,  pressing [L]  will  allow  you  to log-on
       locally,   and   [ESC]  will  terminate  the   program   and
       return   to  DOS.   Note  that terminating in this way  will
       always  return   an  errorlevel of 0 to  DOS  regardless  of
       whether  the  -E  command-line parameter is invoked.

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