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       Text file control codes

       There are a range of special control characters that can  be
       inserted  in any of your ASCII/ANSI files that cause certain
       system and user information to be displayed. There are three
       classes of codes.  Each code is a two-character  combination
       of a control-code followed by a normal character:

       ASCII#   Combination  Purpose
       ------   -----------  --------------------------------------
       01         ^A         Wait until the [Return] key is pressed
       02         ^B         Disable aborting with the "S" key
       03         ^C         Enable aborting with the "S" key
       04         ^D         Enable the "Continue?" prompt
       05         ^E         Disable the "Continue?" prompt
       06         ^F       * Insert a user parameter
       07         ^G         Produce a beep on the caller's console
       08         ^H         Backspace
       09         ^I         Tab (forward 8 characters)
       10         ^J         Linefeed
       11         ^K       * Insert a system parameter
       12         ^L         Clear screen
       13         ^M         Carriage return
       17         ^Q         RESERVED FOR XON/XOFF HANDSHAKING
       19         ^S         RESERVED FOR XON/XOFF HANDSHAKING
       22         ^V         RESERVED FOR AVATAR
       23         ^W         Pause for one second
       24         ^X       * Execute a program in a DOS shell
       26         ^Z         END OF FILE MARKER. DON'T USE THIS!

       This  gives you the ability to run an external program in  a
       DOS  shell whenever RemoteAccess encounters a X embedded in
       a text file. The X is followed by the command line you want
       to  execute,  and terminated with the pipe symbol  (|).  For
       example,  to  run an external mail checking utility  when  a
       user  logs  on  you could embed the following entry  in  the
       WELCOME.A?? file:

            X\RA\MAILCHEK.EXE *B *F *L|

       RemoteAccess would then execute the following DOS command:

            \RA\MAILCHEK.EXE 2400 FirstName LastName

       Note  that  you  MUST terminate the command  with  the  pipe
       symbol.  All special DOS shell control codes may be used  as
       per the type 7 menu function.

       BEWARE!  Use this feature with caution.  Imagine the  damage
       that this embedded command could do:


       If  there is any possibility of a user being able to  modify
       any  of  the  text files that  your  system  displays,  then
       disable  the shell feature by using the option in  RACONFIG.
       "Note to next user"  programs are notorious for this! If you
       don't  think it ever happens, then maybe this will  convince
       you.  A local sysop was watching his board one afternoon and
       noticed  that when a user logged off,  he got the  following

       "Hey,  Joe!  What  sort of a password is ROCKET?  Next  time
       choose a harder one!!    ... Fred"

       The  sysop  couldn't believe his eyes.  How could this  have
       happened?  Well,  the  "note  to next user" utility  he  had
       installed  a  few weeks earlier was to  blame.  It  actually
       allowed a user upload a short text file that was appended to
       the  GOODBYE disconnect file.  "Fred" had simply inserted  a
       few control characters into the file that would display  the
       current  user's  first name and password,  which  of  course
       would  always  be correct for whoever viewed  it.  Well,  it
       shook that sysop up a bit, as well as teaching him a lesson.

       Luckily  the X feature wasn't enabled,  or  anything  could
       have happened...

       * User parameter codes

       ASCII#  Combination  Information displayed
       ------  -----------  ---------------------------------------
       48        F0        Full screen editor (ON/OFF)
       49        F1        Quiet/do not disturb mode (ON/OFF)
       50        F2        Hot-Keys (ON/OFF)
       51        F3        Handle
       52        F4        Date of first call
       53        F5        Date of birth
       54        F6        Subscription expiry date
       55        F7        Days until subscription expiry
       56        F8        AVATAR setting (ON/OFF)
       57        F9        File ratio limit (number of files)
       58        F:        File ratio limit (kilobytes)
       59        F;        Full screen message viewer (ON/OFF)
       60        F<        Users date format
       61        F=        Auto message forwarding ON/OFF
       62        F>        Name (if any) of message forwardee
       63        F?        Current file ratio (number of files)
       64        F@        Current file ratio (kb)
       65        FA        Users full name
       66        FB        Location
       67        FC        Password
       68        FD        Business/Data phone number
       69        FE        Voice/Home phone number
       70        FF        Date of last call
       71        FG        Time of last call
       72        FH        A Flags setting
       73        FI        B Flags setting
       74        FJ        C Flags setting
       75        FK        D Flags setting
       76        FL        NetMail credit remaining (cents)
       77        FM        Total messages posted
       78        FN        Last message read
       79        FO        Security level
       80        FP        Total calls to the BBS
       81        FQ        Number of uploads
       82        FR        Kilobytes of uploads
       83        FS        Number of downloads
       84        FT        Kilobytes of downloads
       85        FU        Minutes used today
       86        FV        Current screen length
       87        FW        First name only
       88        FX        ANSI setting (ON/OFF)
       89        FY        "Continue?" prompt setting (ON/OFF)
       90        FZ        Screen clearing (ON/OFF)
       91        F[        Kilobyte download limit remaining today
       92        F\        Name of selected language
       93        F]        User's comment field

       * System parameter codes

       ASCII#  Combination  Information displayed
       ------  -----------  ---------------------------------------
       48        K0        Number of msgs in selected msg area
       49        K1        Number of current template msg area
       50        K2        Number of current template file area
       65        KA        Total system calls
       66        KB        Last caller (any line)
       67        KC        Number of active messages
       68        KD        System starting message number
       69        KE        System ending message number
       70        KF        Number of times user has paged sysop
       71        KG        Day of the week (full form)
       72        KH        Number of users in the user file
       73        KI        Time in 24 hour format
       74        KJ        Today's date
       75        KK        Minutes connected this call
       76        KL        Seconds connected (always returns 0)
       77        KM        Minutes used today
       78        KN        Seconds used today (always returns 0)
       79        KO        Minutes remaining today
       80        KP        Seconds remaining today (always 0)
       81        KQ        Daily time limit
       82        KR        Current baud rate
       83        KS        Day of the week (abbreviated form)
       84        KT        Daily download limit (in K)
       85        KU        Minutes until next system event
       86        KV        24 hour format time of the next event
       87        KW        Line number (as set on command line)
       88        KX        TERMINATES THE CALL
       89        KY        Name of current template message area
       90        KZ        Name  of  current  template  file  area
       91        K[cc      Change foreground and background colour
                            (cc  =  colour   code  number.  See the
                            section on  COLOUR CODES  for   further
       92        K\        Clear to end of line.
       93        K]nnn     Displays  the  language  prompt  number
                            "nnn"  from   the   currently  selected
                            language. "Nnn"  must  be  padded  with

       Colour control numbers

       Colour code numbers are used by RemoteAccess  when you setup
       your   File  list  template   and  when  using  the  "F[cc"
       control codes  to  define  colours  in  your  Menu displays,
       Language prompts and textfiles.

       Foreground                       Background Colours
       (2nd "cc" digit)                 (1st "cc" digit)
       ------------------               ---------------------

       0  -  Black                      0  -  Black
       1  -  Blue                       1  -  Blue
       2  -  Green                      2  -  Green
       3  -  Cyan                       3  -  Cyan
       4  -  Red                        4  -  Red
       5  -  Purple                     5  -  Purple
       6  -  Brown                      6  -  Brown
       7  -  White                      7  -  White
       8  -  Grey
       9  -  Bright Blue
       A  -  Bright Green
       B  -  Bright Cyan
       C  -  Bright Red
       D  -  Bright Purple
       E  -  Bright Yellow
       F  -  Bright White

       0  -  Flashing Black             8  -  Black
       1  -  Flashing Blue              9  -  Blue
       2  -  Flashing Green             A  -  Green
       3  -  Flashing Cyan              B  -  Cyan
       4  -  Flashing Red               C  -  Red
       5  -  Flashing Purple            D  -  Purple
       6  -  Flashing Brown             E  -  Brown
       7  -  Flashing White             F  -  White
       8  -  Flashing Grey
       9  -  Flashing Bright Blue
       A  -  Flashing Bright Green
       B  -  Flashing Bright Cyan
       C  -  Flashing Bright Red
       D  -  Flashing Bright Purple
       E  -  Flashing Bright Yellow
       F  -  Flashing Bright White


       43  -  Red foreground on a Cyan background.
       01  -  Blue on a black background.
       FB  -  Flashing Bright White on a Cyan background.

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