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       Questionnaire script language

       Questionnaire   script  files  are  stored  in  the   system
       directory  and have the extension .Q-A.  Each file is  plain
       ASCII,  and  contains one command per  line.  The  available
       commands are listed below. Note that the command interpreter
       is case-insensitive,  so the command "Ask" could be  entered
       as "ASK" or "ask".

       Ask <Len> <Var num>

       Waits  for  the  user  to input a string that is  up  to  15
       characters long,  and stores the string in the variable <Var
       num>.  Valid values for <Len> are 1 to 255. <Var num> may be
       any number between 1 and 20.

           Example : Ask 30 5

           This example  will ask the user for an input of up to 30
           characters in  length,  and  then  store   the  inputted
           string in variable 5.

       Capitalise <ON|OFF>

       Turns on or off auto-input prompt capitalisation.

       Example : Capitalise ON

       ChangeColor <Foreground> <Background>

       Changes the colour of the text if the user has ANSI graphics
       enabled.  The colour selected will remain the default colour
       for all subsequent text,  until the end of the questionnaire
       script or the next ChangeColour command.

       Valid colours are:

            <Foreground>                        <Background>
            ------------                        ------------

            0    Black                          0   Black
            1    Blue                           1   Blue
            2    Green                          2   Green
            3    Cyan                           3   Cyan
            4    Red                            4   Red
            5    Magenta                        5   Magenta
            6    Brown                          6   Brown
            7    Light Grey                     7   Light Grey
            8    Dark Grey
            9    Light Blue
           10    Light Green
           11    Light Cyan
           12    Light Red
           13    Light Magenta
           14    Yellow
           15    White

           Example : ChangeColor 7 1

           This example would change the  text colour to light  red
           foreground on a black background.


       Clears  the  user's  screen if  the user has  enabled screen

           Example : ClearScreen

           This command would simply clear the users screen.

       Display "<Text>"

       Displays the specified text on the screen.  The vertical bar
       is  translated to a line-feed and carriage return.  If  this
       bar  is  omitted,  any  following  text starts at  the  next
       character on the same line.

           Example : Display "Please answer ALL questions|"

           In this example the text, "Please  answer ALL questions"
           would be displayed to the user with a linefeed/carriage

       DisplayFile <1-8 character file name>

       Causes a text file to be displayed in the same way as a menu
       type 5 would be displayed. The text file must be in the text
       file directory, and have the extension .ASC/.ANS/.AVT.

           Example : DisplayFile BBSRULES

           This example would display  the file BBRULES.ASC/ANS/AVT
           (ASC to ASCII users, ANS to  ANSI users and AVT to users
           with AVATAR enabled) to the  user.   Once  the file  has
           been displayed the user  would  then be  returned to the


       Signifies the end of an IF statement.   The function of "If"
       and the relationship of the "EndIf" statement are more fully
       explained  later  in  this  chapter   under  the "If" script

            Example : EndIf

       If <Var num> = "<String>"

       The  IF  command  compares the  contents  of  the  specified
       variable number with <String>. If the two do not match, then
       all following lines are skipped until an ENDIF statement  is

           Example : If 5 = "Perth"
                     Display "That's where I live|"

           The above section  of script would examine  the contents
           of variable 5 and check  to see if it matches  the text,
           "Perth". If it does the text "That's where I live" would
           be displayed.  If  variable  5 does not match  the text,
           the  script  would  jump  to  the  EndIF  statement  and
           continue  with  the questionnaire without displaying the

       Exec <commandline>

       Executes  a  program  in   a  DOS  shell.  All  command-line
       parameters valid in a menu type 7 command may be used.

           Example : Exec C:\RA\NEWMAIL.EXE *B*M

           This  command would  force RemoteAccess  to execute  the
           DOS command "MAIL.EXE"  whilst the user is on-line.  The
           "*M" tells RemoteAccess  to swap itself  out  of  memory
           before  executing  the command.   This  is  useful  when
           running  programs that  require large amounts of memory.
           For further  information on  executing DOS commands  see
           MENU TYPE, type 7.

       GetChoice <Valid choices> <Var num>

       Waits  for the user to enter one of the characters in <Valid
       choices>, and stores the response in the variable <Var num>.

           Example : GetChoice YN 2

           This command would wait for the user to press "Y" or "N"
           and then store the response in variable 2.

       Goto <Label>

       Causes the script to jump to  the  specified  <Label>.   The
       Label can be any 12 character alphanumeric sequence.  Labels
       can be placed into the  script by  placing  a ':' before the
       label string.

            Example : If 5="Y"
                      Goto EXT

                        Display "You answered Yes!"

           In this case,  if  variable 5 is "Y"  RemoteAccess  will
           jump to the  segment of script  beginning  with  ":EXT",
           then  display  the text,  "You answered YES!".  If   the
           variable is not equal to "Y", the questionnaire would be
           terminated immediately.

       ListAnswer <Var num>

       Displays  (to the screen) the contents of the variable  <Var
       num> followed by a CR/LF.

           Example : ListAnswer 5

           This example would display  the contents of variable 5.

       MenuCmnd <Num> <Data>

       Executes a  menu command. Simply specify  the command number
       followed by  the contents of  the optional data  field. Note
       that menu navigation commands  (GOTO, GOSUB, RETURN etc) may
       not be used.

           Example : MenuCmnd 27 60 /T=Andrew_Milner

           This example  will force  RemoteAccess to  run  the menu
           command  type  27,  with  an   optional  data  field  of
           "60 /T=Andrew_Milner".  This  is the  command to  post a
           message in message area 60 addressed to "Andrew Milner".
           For  further  information  on  menu   commands  see  the
           section on MENU TYPES.

       OutputAnswer "<Descriptor>" <Var num>

       Outputs  <Descriptor>  followed  by  the  contents  of   the
       variable  <Var  num> to the questionnaire answer  file.  The
       answer file is given the same name as the questionnaire file
       but has an extension of .ASW.

           Example : OutputAnswer "Hobbies  : " 6

           The answer  stored in varable 6 will be outputted to the
           file <filename.ASW>,  where  "filename" is the same name
           as the questionnaire file.  If  this answer is the first
           outputted answer in the questionnaire it  is a good idea
           to first  use the command  "PostInfo" to output a header
           detailing information about the  person who is answering
           the  questionnaire.


       This option tells RemoteAccess to output the users name  and
       the date and time to the answer file.

           Example : PostInfo


       Terminates the questionnaire and returns to the BBS.

            Example : Quit

       SetFlag <Flag set><Flag number> <ON|OFF>

       Turns on or off the specified user flag.  <Flag set> is "A",
       "B",  "C" or "D",  and <Flag number> is a number between one
       and  eight.   Changes   to  the   users  flag  settings  are
       permanently recorded in the user database.

           Example : SetFlag C3 OFF

           In this example the users C3 flag would be turned off.

       SetSecurity <Security level>

       Simply   sets  the  user's  security  level  to  the  number
       specified. The level may be any number from 1 to 64,000. Any
       changes  to the  users  security  level will be  permanently
       recorded in the user database.

           Example : SetSecurity 10

           This  would  set the users  security to a level of 10.


       Waits for the user  to press [ENTER].   If the user  presses
       any other key,  then the input will be ignored.

           Example :  WaitEnter

           When   this  line  is  encountered  in  the script,  the
           user will  have to press the Enter key before he/she can

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