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Appendix C
RaSQL/B Index Structure String Definition

A RaSQL indes structure is a concatenation of a series 32-character strings, 
one for each segment. Alternatively it is a series of 32-character strings 
stored into an array, one element for each entry.  Each
32-character string must have the following format:


    F(20)     index field name                             

    X(2)      literal text: "X "                           

    b(3)      blank filler                                 

    D         Literal, uppercase 'D' if index is Descending.  Left blank or 
              lowercase 'd' to indicate normal, ascending key.  Fields in a 
              segmented index can have different settings of this attribute. 
              In addition, if a single field participates in more than one 
              index, it can have different settings in each index.

    M         Literal, uppercase 'M' if there are More segments in index to 
              follow (i.e., a multi-segmented index).  Left blank or 
              lowercase 'm' if  this is the only or the last key in index.

    N         'Literal, uppercase 'N' if Null values are not added to index.  
              Left blank or lowercase 'n' if Null values are aded to index. 
              If the index is segmented, all segments in the index must have 
              the same setting.  At least one index in a table must be left 
              with this attribute blank.

    Q         Literal, uppercase 'Q' if index is uniQue.  Left blank or 
              lowercase 'q' if duplicate keys are allowed. If the index is 
              segmented, all segments in the index must have the same 
              setting.  If you attempt to add a record with the same key 
              index value as an existing record, Btrieve will generate error 
              5 'Duplicates Error'.

    S         Literal, uppercase 'S' if index is Static, i.e., cannot be 
              changed after the record is added.  Left blank or lowercase 
              's' if key is modifiable.  This attribute prevents someone 
              from modifying the key value after adding the record. 
              (Exception:  you can change an empty key with the NULL 
              attribute to a non-NULL value one time.)  If the key is 
              segmented, all segments in the index must have the same 

    U         Literal, uppercase 'U' if index is Upper (i.e., case ignored).  
              Left blank or lowercase 'u' if case is significant.  Fields in 
              a segmented index can have different settings of this 
              attribute. In addition, if a single field participates in more 
              than one index, it can have different settings in each index.

    ;         Literal ';' semicolon 

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