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Click above to get retro games delivered to your door ever month! Ralf Brown's Interrupt List (Part 1,2) - int 15 - topview - send message - status - get object status [<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
        AH = 12h
        BH = 0Fh
        BL = object
            00h handle is DWORD on top of stack
                timer:   is it running?
                pointer: return status of last message
                panel:   verify success of last OPEN or APPLY
            02h return status of last msg READ from mailbox (handle on stack)
            03h return status of last msg READ from task's default mailbox
            04h get status of last msg from task's KEYBOARD (task handle on stk)
            05h get status of last msg from task's default KEYBOARD
            06h return whether OBJECTQ is open or not (handle on top of stack)
            07h return whether task's default OBJECTQ is open or not
Return: DWORD on top of stack is status
Notes:  if object is a panel object, the status indicates the error code:
          00h successful
          14h panel name not in panel directory
          15h not enough memory to apply panel
          16h invalid panel format
          17h panel file already open
          81h-92h  DOS error codes+80h                  \  codes > 80h indicate
          95h not enough memory to open panel file       > that the panel was
          98h null panel file name                      /  not opened
        if object is a timer, the status is:
          00000000h open but not running
          40000000h open and running
          80000000h closed
        if object is an OBJECTQ, the status is:
          00000000h open
          80000000h closed
        if object is a keyboard in keystroke mode, the status is the extended
          character code (scan code) of teh last keystroke
        if object is a keyboard in field mode, the status indicates the reason
          for the last return from the field manager
          00h Enter key pressed
          01h Button 1 or keystroke selection
          02h Button 2
          03h validation
          04h auto Enter on field
          1Bh Escape pressed
          46h reak pressed
          other: extended code for key terminating input
        the status of mailbox messages sent by the window manager is always 80h
        the status of a pointer message is the same as the status field in the
SeeAlso: AH=12h/BH=04h"READ"

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