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INT 21 - Network Driver Interface Spec 2.0.1 - PROTOCOL MANAGER
        AX = 4402h
        BX = file handle for device "PROTMAN$"
        DS:DX -> request block (see below)
        CX = 000Eh (size of request block)

Format of request block for GetProtocolManagerInfo:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    01h
 02h    WORD    returned status (see below)
 04h    DWORD   returned pointer to structure representing parsed user config
 08h    DWORD   unused
 0Ch    WORD    returned BCD version of NDIS on which Protocol Manager is based

Format of request block for RegisterModule:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    02h
 02h    WORD    returned status (see below)
 04h    DWORD   pointer to module's common characteristics table (see below)
 08h    DWORD   pointer to list of modules to which the module is to be bound
 0Ch    WORD    unused

Format of request block for BindAndStart:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    03h
 02h    WORD    returned status (see below)
 04h    DWORD   caller's virtual address in FailingModules structure
 08h    DWORD   unused
 0Ch    WORD    unused

Format of request block for GetProtocolManagerLinkage:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    04h
 02h    WORD    returned status (see below)
 04h    DWORD   returned dispatch point
 08h    DWORD   unused
 0Ch    WORD    returned protocol manager DS
Note:   the dispatch point may be called as follows instead of using this IOCTL
        STACK: WORD  protocol manager DS
               DWORD pointer to request block
        Return: AX = returned status
                STACK popped

Format of request block for GetProtocolIniPath:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    05h
 02h    WORD    returned status (see below)
 04h    DWORD   pointer to a buffer for the ASCIZ pathname of PROTOCOL.INI
 08h    DWORD   unused
 0Ch    WORD    buffer length

Format of request block for RegisterProtocolManagerInfo:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    06h
 02h    WORD    returned status (see below)
 04h    DWORD   pointer to structure containing parsed user config file
 08h    DWORD   unused
 0Ch    WORD    length of structure

Format of request block for InitAndRegister:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    07h
 02h    WORD    returned status (see below)
 04h    DWORD   unused
 08h    DWORD   poitner to ASCIZ name of the module to be prebind initialized
 0Ch    WORD    unused

Format of request block for UnbindAndStop:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    08h
 02h    WORD    returned status (see below)
 04h    DWORD   failing modules as for BindAndStart
 08h    DWORD   if not 0000h:0000h, pointer to ASCIZ name of module to unbind
                if 0000h:0000h, terminate a set of previously dynamically
                  bound protocol modules
 0Ch    WORD    unused

Format of request block for BindStatus:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    09h
 02h    WORD    returned status (see below)
 04h    DWORD   must be 0000h:0000h
                on return, points to root tree
 08h    DWORD   0000h:0000h
 0Ch    WORD    unused under DOS

Format of request block for RegisterStatus:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    0Ah
 02h    WORD    returned status (0000h, 0008h, 002Ch) (see below)
 04h    DWORD   0000h:0000h
 08h    DWORD   pointer to 16-byte ASCIZ module name
 0Ch    WORD    0000h

Values of status code:
 0000h success
 0001h wait for release--protocol has retained control of the data buffer
 0002h request queued
 0003h frame not recognized
 0004h frame rejected
 0005h frame should be forwarded
 0006h out of resource
 0007h invalid parameter
 0008h invalid function
 0009h not supported
 000Ah hardware error
 000Bh transmit error
 000Ch unrecognized destination
 000Dh buffer too small
 0020h already started
 0021h binding incomplete
 0022h driver not initialized
 0023h hardware not found
 0024h hardware failure
 0025h configuration failure
 0026h interrupt conflict
 0027h MAC incompatible
 0028h initialization failed
 0029h no binding
 002Ah network may be disconnected
 002Bh incompatible OS version
 002Ch already registered
 002Dh path not found
 002Eh insufficient memory
 002Fh info not found
 00FFh general failure
 F000h-FFFFh reserved for vendor-specific codes, treated as general failure

Format of common characteristics table:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    size of table in bytes
 02h    BYTE    NDIS major version
 03h    BYTE    NDIS minor version
 04h    WORD    reserved
 06h    BYTE    module major version
 07h    BYTE    module minor version
 08h    DWORD   module function flag bits
                bit 0: binding at upper boundary supported
                bit 1: binding at lower boundary supported
                bit 2: dynamically bound
                bits 3-31 reserved, must be 0
 0Ch 16 BYTEs   ASCIZ module name
 1Ch    BYTE    upper boundary protocol level
                01h Media Access Control
                02h Data link
                03h network
                04h transport
                05h session
                FFh not specified
 1Dh    BYTE    upper boundary interface type
                for MACs: 1 = MAC
                for data links and transports: to be defined
                for session: 1 = NCB
                any level: 0 = private (ISV-defined)
 1Eh    BYTE    lower boundary protocol level
                00h physical
                01h Media Access Control
                02h Data link
                03h network
                04h transport
                05h session
                FFh not specified
 1Fh    BYTE    lower boundary interface type
                same as offset 1Dh
 20h    WORD    module ID filled in by protocol manager
 22h    WORD    module DS
 24h    DWORD   system request entry point
 28h    DWORD   pointer to service-specific characteristics
                0000h:0000h if none
 2Ch    DWORD   pointer to service-specific status
                0000h:0000h if none
 30h    DWORD   pointer to upper dispatch table (see below)
                0000h:0000h if none
 34h    DWORD   pointer to lower dispatch table (see below)
                0000h:0000h if none
 38h    DWORD   reserved, must be 0
 3Ch    DWORD   reserved, must be 0
Note:   for compatibility with NDIS 1.x.x, a major version of 00h is
          interpreted as 01h

Format of MAC Service-Specific Characteristics Table:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    length of table in bytes
 02h 16 BYTEs   ASCIZ MAC type name, "802.3", "802.4", "802.5", "802.6", "DIX",
                "DIX+802.3", "APPLETALK", "ARCNET", "FDDI", "SDLC", "BSC",
                "HDLC", or "ISDN"
 12h    WORD    length of station addresses in bytes
 14h 16 BYTEs   permanent station address
 24h 16 BYTEs   current station address
 34h    DWORD   current functional adapter address (00000000h if none)
 38h    DWORD   pointer to multicast address list
 3Ch    DWORD   link speed in bits/sec
 40h    DWORD   service flags
                bit 0: supports broadcast
                    1: supports multicast
                    2: supports functional/group addressing
                    3: supports promiscuous mode
                    4: station address software settable
                    5: statistics always current
                    6: supports InitiateDiagnostics
                    7: supports loopback
                    8: MAC does primarily ReceiveChain indications instead of
                       ReceiveLookahead indications
                    9: supports IBM source routing
                   10: supports MAC reset
                   11: supports Open/Close adapter
                   12: supports interrupt request
                   13: supports source routing bridge
                   14: supports GDT virtual addresses (OS/2 version)
                   15: multiple TransferDatas allowed durign a single
                   16: MAC normally sets FrameSize = 0 in ReceiveLookahead
                   17-31: reserved, must be 0
 44h    WORD    maximum frame size which may be both sent and received
 46h    DWORD   total transmit buffer capacity in bytes
 4Ah    WORD    transmit buffer allocation block size in bytes
 4Ch    DWORD   total receive buffer capacity in bytes
 50h    WORD    receive buffer allocation block size in bytes
 52h  3 BYTEs   IEEE vendor code
 55h    BYTE    vendor adapter code
 56h    DWORD   pointer to ASCIZ vendor adapter description
 5Ah    WORD    IRQ used by adapter
 5Ch    WORD    transmit queue depth
 5Eh    WORD    maximum supported number of data blocks in buffer descriptors
 60h  N BYTEs   vendor-specific info

Format of NetBIOS Service-Specific Characteristics Table
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    length of table in bytes
 02h 16 BYTEs   ASCIZ type name of NetBIOS module
 12h    WORD    NetBIOS module code
 14h  N BYTEs   vendor-specific info

Format of MAC Service-Specific Status Table:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    WORD    length of table in bytes
 02h    DWORD   seconds since 0:00 1/1/70 when diagnostics last run
                (FFFFFFFFh = never)
 06h    DWORD   MAC status bits
                bits 0-2: 000 hardware not installed
                          001 hardware failed startup diagnostics
                          010 hardware configuration problem
                          011 hardware fault
                          100 operating marginally due to soft faults
                          101 reserved
                          110 reserved
                          111 hardware fully operational
                bit 3:    MAC bound
                    4:    MAC open
                    5:    diagnostics in progress
                    6-31: reserved
 0Ah    WORD    current packet filter flags
                bit 0: directed/multicast or group/functional
                    1: broadcast
                    2: promiscuous
                    3: all source routing
                    4-15: reserved, must be zero
 0Ch    DWORD   pointer to media-specific status table or 0000h:0000h
 10h    DWORD   seconds past 0:00 1/1/70 of last ClearStatistics
 14h    DWORD   total frames received (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 18h    DWORD   frames with CRC error (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 1Ch    DWORD   total bytes received (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 20h    DWORD   frames discarded--no buffer space (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 24h    DWORD   multicast frames received (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 28h    DWORD   broadcast frames received (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 2Ch    DWORD   frames with errors (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 30h    DWORD   overly large frames (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 34h    DWORD   frames less than minimum size (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 38h    DWORD   multicast bytes received (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 3Ch    DWORD   broadcast bytes received (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 40h    DWORD   frames discarded--hardware error (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 44h    DWORD   total frames transmitted (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 48h    DWORD   total bytes transmitted (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 4Ch    DWORD   multicast frames transmitted (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 50h    DWORD   broadcast frames transmitted (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 54h    DWORD   broadcast bytes transmitted (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 58h    DWORD   multicast bytes transmitted (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 5Ch    DWORD   frames not transmitted--timeout (FFFFFFFFh = not counted)
 60h    DWORD   frames not transmitted--hardware error (FFFFFFFFh = not countd)
 64h  N BYTEs   vendor-specific info

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