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INT 2F - Multiplex - Intel Image Processing Interface - LOAD SCREEN
        AX = CD09h
        CX:BX -> structure (see below)
Return: AL = 00h successful
           = 80h unsuccessful
SeeAlso: AX=CD0Ah"Image Processing"

Format of structure:
Offset  Size    Description
 00h    BYTE    style
                44h ('D') diamond style
                4Ch ('L') line style
 01h    BYTE    reserved (00h)
 02h    WORD    frequency in lines per inch [sic]
                currently, coerced to nearest of 50, 60, 68, 70, 75, 85, or 100
 04h    WORD    screen angle in degrees (-360 to 360)
                currently coerced to nearest of -45, 0, 45, or 90

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