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Add or remove records from an existing AOF


        ADSCustomizeAOF( [<nRecno | aRecNos>] [, <nType>] ) --> nSuccess  


        <nRecno   | aRecNos> Can be either a single record number or an 
                  array of record numbers to add or delete from the AOF.
                  If omitted, defaults to  the current record.

        <nType>     The type of operation:      

| ADS_AOF_ADD_RECORD    | Add the record to the AOF (set the bit). This is the default operation. |
| ADS_AOF_REMOVE_RECORD | Remove the record from the AOF (clear the bit).                         |
| ADS_AOF_TOGGLE_RECORD | Switch the record into or out of the AOF.                               |


        <nError>    ADS error code, or 0 for success.    


      An Advantage Optimized Filter (AOF) consists of a bitmap of the
      records in  the database. If bit 5 is on, record 5 is considered a
      visible record.  If bit 5 is off, record 5 is not visible. It does
      not "pass the test".  Initially, the bits are set by the Server
      according to a filter expression  from SET FILTER TO or adsSetAOF().
      But by using ADSCustomizeAOF() you can  add or remove records at
      will from the visible set.  This is useful for  tagging records or
      for refining a result set after the data has been retrieved  from
      the server.

      The maximum number of records that can be customized in a single call
      is  16,383, so <aRecNos> must not be longer than this.

      Calls to AdsCustomizeAOF must be made after an application has
      created a  filter with a call to AdsSetAOF. To create a completely
      empty record set  (to which records can be added with calls to
      AdsCustomizeAOF), use ".F." as  the filter expression given to
      AdsSetAOF. To create a completely full  record set (from which
      records can be removed), use ".T." as the filter  expression.

      WARNING: Always start with a FULLY optimized AOF!  If an application
      must use a filter expression that is not fully optimized  as the
      starting point for customization, the ADS_RESOLVE_IMMEDIATE option
      should be used with the call to AdsSetAOF. Otherwise, the dynamic
      filter  resolution that occurs on the server will automatically
      remove records that  have been added through the AdsCustomizeAOF
      calls. The  filter expressions ".T." and ".F." both result in fully
      optimized AOFs  regardless of available indexes.

      See ACE.HLP for full details about the Advantage Database Server.




      Harbour extension


      Windows 32-bit


      Library is RddAds  Header is

See Also: ADSClearAOF() ADSEvalAOF() ADSGetAOF() ADSGetAOFoptLevel() ADSIsRecordInAOF() ADSRefreshAOF()

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