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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rescue5 Usertype File
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Section 1 lists a variable base name for each of the data types that Rescue5
# will recognise when it creates a VARIABLE file.  Each entry is a one word
# description followed by a base name, consisting of a one character lower-case
# type identifier, followed by up to 6 characters of mixed-case qualifier.
# Generic variable base names are used to create the names of local and static
# variables that are initialised by an operation on two expressions of the
# same type but different qualifiers.
# To define a new generic base name, add it to the list following the
# conventions specified above.  To edit an existing base name, overtype the
# name to the right of the description.  To remove a base name, comment it
# out with a '#' sign.  Descriptions are abitrary for new base names, but
# do not change the descriptions for the base names supplied with Rescue5.
# Section 2 lists the types and qualifiers used to create the names of local
# and static variables that are initialised through function calls.  The name
# of each function is listed on the left with the variable base name on the
# right.  This list can be extended or modified at will.
# Rescue5 supports the inclusion of user defined type files using the @
# command.  Place a command in the format
# @<filename>.UDT
# anywhere in USERTYPE.  <filename> can include a DOS path if the file is not
# in the current directory or the directory specified with the /i switch.
# User defined type files can contain any or all of the following:
#       - # comments
#       - @ include statements
#       - Generic base name definitions (as Section 1 in USERTYPE)
#       - Function return base name definitions (as Section 2 in USERTYPE)
# If Rescue5 encounters duplicate generic base names or function names
# it will use the first it encountered and output a warning into the
# REPORT file.
# ===========================================================================

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Section 1
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The 1st character type prefix may be anything, with the exception that 'v'
# is reserved for variable.
# Do not change any of the following descriptions (you may change the base
# names):

Array           aArr
Block           bBlk
Date            dDte
Logical         lLog
Macro           xMac
Number          nNum
Object          oObj
String          cStr
Nil             uNil
Variable        vVar
Undefined       _Def

# User defined types (you may change the description and/or the base name of
# these, or add your own):

Handle          hHnd

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Section 2
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# An entry with the same type prefix must appear in Section 1

aadd            vAdded
abs             nAbs
achoice         nChoice
aclone          aArr
acopy           aArr
adel            aArr
adir            nFiles
aeval           aArr
afields         nFields
afill           aArr
ains            aArr
alert           nChoice
alias           cAlias
alltrim         cStr
altd            uNil
array           aArr
asc             nNum
ascan           nFound
asize           aArr
asort           aArr
at              nOffset
bin2i           ns16Int
bin2l           ns32Int
bin2w           nu16Int
bof             lBof
break           uNil
browse          uNil
cdow            cDay
chr             cChr
cmonth          cMonth
col             nCol
colorselect     uNil
ctod            dDate
curdir          cDir
date            dDate
day             nDay
dbappend        uNil
dbclearfilter   uNil
dbclearindex    uNil
dbclearrelation uNil
dbcloseall      uNil
dbclosearea     uNil
dbcommit        uNil
dbcommitall     uNil
dbcreate        uNil
dbcreateindex   uNil
dbdelete        uNil
dbedit          uNil
dbeval          uNil
dbf             cAlias
dbfilter        cFilter
dbgobottom      uNil
dbgoto          uNil
dbgotop         uNil
dbrecall        uNil
dbreindex       uNil
dbrelation      cRelat
dbrselect       nArea
dbseek          lFound
dbselectarea    uNil
dbsetdriver     cRDD
dbsetfilter     uNil
dbsetindex      uNil
dbsetorder      uNil
dbsetrelation   uNil
dbskip          uNil
dbstruct        aStruct
dbunlock        uNil
dbunlockall     uNil
dbusearea       uNil
deleted         lDel
descend         vComp
devout          uNil
devoutpict      uNil
devpos          uNil
directory       aDir
diskspace       nBytes
dispbegin       uNil
dispbox         uNil
dispcount       nNum
dispend         uNil
dispout         uNil
doserror        nDosErr
dow             nDay
dtoc            cCDate
dtos            cSDate
empty           lEmpty
eof             lEof
errorblock      bErrHnd
errorlevel      nErrlv
eval            vBlkRtn
exp             nNum
fclose          lClosed
fcount          nFields
fcreate         hCreate
ferase          nFState
ferror          nFError
field           cField
fieldblock      bField
fieldget        vField
fieldname       cField
fieldpos        nField
fieldput        vField
fieldwblock     bWField
file            lExist
fklabel         cFLabel
fkmax           nFKeys
flock           lLock
fopen           hOpen
found           lFound
fread           nBytes
freadstr        cLine
frename         nFState
fseek           nOffset
fwrite          nBytes
getenv          cEnvVar
hardcr          cLine
header          nDbfHdr
i2bin           cB16Int
indexext        cBagExt
indexkey        cOrdKey
indexord        nOrder
inkey           nKey
int             nNum
isalpha         lAlpha
iscolor         lColor
isdigit         lDigit
islower         lLower
isprinter       lPrint
isupper         lUpper
l2bin           cB32Int
lastkey         nKey
lastrec         nRecs
left            cStr
len             nLen
lock            lLock
log             nLog
lower           cStr
ltrim           cStr
lupdate         dUpdate
max             vMax
maxcol          nCol
maxrow          nRow
memoedit        cMemo
memoline        cLine
memoread        cMemo
memory          nKFree
memotran        cMemo
memowrit        lDone
memvarblock     bMemVar
min             vMin
mlcount         nLines
mlctopos        nOffset
mlpos           nOffset
mod             nRemain
month           nMonth
mpostolc        aLCPos
neterr          lNetErr
netname         cWSName
nextkey         nKey
nosnow          uNil
os              cOsName
outerr          uNil
outstd          uNil
padc            cStr
padl            cStr
padr            cStr
pcol            nPCol
pcount          nParams
procline        nPrcLne
procname        cPrcNme
prow            nPRow
qout            uNil
qqout           uNil
qself           oSelf
rat             nOffset
readkey         nKey
readvar         cVarName
reccount        nRecs
recno           nRecno
recsize         nRSize
replicate       cStr
restscreen      uNil
right           cStr
rlock           lRLock
round           nNum
row             nRow
rtrim           cStr
savescreen      cScrn
scroll          uNil
seconds         nSecs
select          nArea
set             vSet
setblink        lState
setcancel       lState
setcolor        cColor
setcursor       nSetCur
setkey          bSetKey
setmode         lDone
setpos          uNil
setprc          uNil
soundex         cStr
space           cSpaces
sqrt            nSqrt
str             cNum
strtran         cStr
stuff           cStr
substr          cStr
time            cTime
tone            uNil
transform       cStr
trim            cStr
type            cType
upper           cStr
used            lUsed
val             nNum
valtype         cType
version         cVer
word            vWord
year            nYear
__accept        vVar
__acceptst      cStr
__menuto        nChoice
__wait          vVar

#-- object constructors

errornew        oErr
getnew          oGet
tbrowsenew      oTb
tbrowsedb       oTbDB
tbcolumnnew     oTbCol

#-- getsys

__killread      uNil
__setformat     uNil
cleargetsy      aSysVars
getactive       oGet
getapplykey     uNil
getdossetkey    uNil
getpostvalidate lValid
getprevalidate  lValid
getreader       uNil
getreadvar      cVarName
rangecheck      lState
readexit        lState
readformat      bFmt
readinsert      lState
readkill        lState
readmodal       lEdited
readupdated     lState
settle          nGet
updated         lEdited

#-- RDD

dbrlock         lRLock
dbrlocklist     aRLock
dbrunlock       uNil
dbsetindex      uNil
ordbagext       cBagExt
ordbagname      cBag
ordcreate       uNil
orddestroy      uNil
ordfor          cOrdFor
ordkey          cOrdKey
ordlistadd      uNil
ordlistclear    uNil
ordlistrebuild  uNil
ordname         cOrder
ordnumber       nOrder
ordsetfocus     cLFocus
rddlist         aRDD
rddname         cRDD
rddsetdefault   cRDD

#-- errorsys

errorsys        uNil
deferror        vAction
errormessage    cErrMsg

#-- FRM and LBL

makeastr        cStr
occurs          nCount
xmemoline       cLine
xmlcount        nLines
getcolumn       aCol
getexpr         cExp
listasarray     aList
parseheader     aPgeHdr
__frmload       aReport
__lblload       aLabel

#-- RL

vcondition      lValid
center          nCol
ext_add         cFile
frm_edit        lLog
frm_error       cStr
frm_scr         cStr
lbl_ed          nEvent
lbl_edit        lLog
lbl_error       cStr
lbl_scr         cStr
line_chk        lValid
saymsg          uNil
signon          uNil
updatecolumn    uNil
xlate           cStr
insert_blank    lInsert
stuff_label     lLog
system_exit     nEvent

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