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Changes From Version 2.0

   RLIB version 3.0 contains 91 functions, 58 that are brand new.  Many
   of the version 2.0 functions have been enhanced.  Below is a quick
   overview of the additions and enhancements.  An asterisk (*) indicates
   functions that are new in version 3.0, and a plus sign (+) indicates
   functions that are enhanced from version 2.0.

   Array Functions
*  ADIM2()         Formulate two dimension reference to a linear array.
*  ALIST()         List the elements of an array in a screen window.
*  ARRAYLEN()      Count the number of contiguous elements in an array.

   Character Functions
*  ACRONYM()       Convert a text string to its abbreviated acronym.
*  ANYCHARSIN()    Test if any characters in a string are in another.
   BRIGHT()        Convert Clipper color string to its bright equivalent.
   DECRYPTED()     Decrypt a character string encrypted with ENCRYPTED().
   ENCRYPTED()     Encrypt a character string.
*  GETKEY()        Replace INKEY() to allow internal customization.
   GETPARM()       Retrieve comma delimited token from character string.
*  MIDDLE()        Center string by padding with leading/trailing spaces.
   NAMESPLIT()     Swap from First Middle Last to Last, First Middle.
*  NOTEMPTY()      Validate that data was entered in a field.
   PARENT()        Retrieve parent directory for a specified directory.
   PATHTO()        Search DOS path for path leading to a given filename.
*  STRETCH()       Pad string with blanks or truncate to a defined width.
*  TYPEC()         Test if a PUBLIC/PRIVATE is character and not blank.
*  VALTYPEC()      Test if a LOCAL/STATIC is character and not blank.

   Database Functions
*  CATF()          Copy array values to database fields.
*  CFTA()          Copy database field values to an array.
   CHANGED()       Test if memory copies of fields have been changed.
   CLOSEAREA()     Close multiple database work areas with one command.
*  DBFCREATE()     Dynamically create a database from a structure array.
   FORGET()        Release field variables created with MEMORIZE().
*  ISDBF()         Test if a file is a valid .DBF format database file.
*  ISFIELD()       Test if a field name is valid in the selected area.
*  MAKEALIAS()     Construct a database alias from a full filename.
+  MARKREC()       Mark/select multiple records from a pick list.
   MEMORIZE()      Save fields from database record to memory variables.
   MREPLACE()      Replace fields with memvars created with MEMORIZE().
*  NO_APPEND()     Network append blank function with error trapping.
*  NO_FLOCK()      Network file lock function with error trapping.
*  NO_RLOCK()      Network record lock function with error trapping.
   NTXKEYVAL()     Get controlling index key value of the current record.
*  OPENED()        Open multiple databases with network error checking.
+  PICKREC()       Pop up a scrollable pick list of database records.
*  POPUPPICK()     Generic pop-up pick list handler.
*  QUERY()         Create a logical query/filter string via menu prompts.

   Date Functions
   ALPHADATE()     Convert date variables to alphabetic format.
*  CALENDAR()      Pop up a configurable calendar on the screen.
*  REVDATE()       Reverse date fields for reverse index ordering.
+  STR2DATE()      Convert date strings to a Clipper date type variable.

   File Functions
*  CHECKFILE()     Verify valid filenames, optionally pop up a pick list.
*  FEOF()          Test for the End Of File status on a binary file.
   FILEDATE()      Retrieve last update date for a given file from DOS.
   FILES()         Test for the existence of multiple files.
*  FILESIZE()      Retrieve the size of a file from DOS directory.
   FILETIME()      Retrieve the last update time for a given file.
*  FREADLINE()     Read line from text file opened with FOPEN()/FCREATE()
*  GETFILE()       Full featured user dialogue box for GETing filenames.
*  OLDERFILE()     Determine the older of two disk files.
   PICKFILE()      Pop up directory listing from which to select a file.
*  TEMPFILE()      Generate a temporary filename.

   Help Functions
*  RH_HEADER()     Retrieve the header from a RHELP compiled help file.
*  RH_LINES()      Get the number of text lines within a help text block.
*  RH_TEXT()       Extract help text for a key from compiled .HLP file.
*  RH_WIDTH()      Get the maximum line width within a help text block.

   Menu Functions
   BARMENU()       Create horizontal light bar menus.
+  BOXMENU()       Create boxed framed highlight bar (pop up) menus.
   MULTIMENU()     Create multi-column menus with 4 way cursor movement.
+  PDOWNINIT()     Initialize the PDOWNMENU() function for use.
+  PDOWNMENU()     Activate pull-down menu initialized with PDOWNINIT().

   Miscellaneous and Internal Functions
   BEEP()          Ring the system bell one or more times.
*  BLIP()          Generate a blipping sound for warnings or errors.
*  BUZZ()          Generate a buzzing sound for warnings or errors.
*  RLIBERROR()     Return and optionally set the last RLIB error number.
*  RLIBINIT()      Initialize internal RLIB PUBLIC/STATIC variable(s).
*  RLIBVER()       Retrieve the version number of the RLIB.LIB linked.

   Numeric Functions
*  BIN2DEC()       Convert binary number to its equivalent decimal value.
*  DEC2HEX()       Convert decimal numeric value to a hexadecimal string.
*  DIVIDE()        Divide numbers with divide by zero protection.
*  HEX2DEC()       Convert hex string to equivalent decimal value.
*  VRANGE()        Numeric range validation with error handling.

   Printer Functions
*  PRINTCODE()     Convert text printer codes into escape sequences.
*  REPORTINIT()    Initialize databases used by StartReport() function.
*  STARTREPORT()   Report format and print control facility.
*  TARGET()        Provide a pop-up target printer output selection menu.

   Screen Functions
*  ABOXASK()       Pop up a centered message box using array of messages.
   ATINSAY()       Display expression at in a specified color.
*  BORDERBOX()     Draw a box with a one line title area at the top.
+  BOXASK()        Pop up a centered message box using multiple messages.
+  CENTER()        Center a string and/or get the center position.
*  FPROMPT()       Display formatted and highlighted prompt strings.
*  FRESTSCREEN()   Restore screen from a file saved with FSAVESCREEN().
*  FSAVESCREEN()   Save screen to file to restore with FRESTSCREEN().
   KEYINPUT()      Get keyboard input optionally echoing dots to screen.
*  PICKCOLOR()     Pick a color setting from a boxed display.
*  POPBOX()        Restore a screen from a SAYINBOX() screen variable.
   RJUSTIFY()      Move trailing blanks to the front.
+  SAYINBOX()      Pop up centered message box using multiple messages.
*  SETCURSOR()     Retrieve and optionally set the current cursor state.

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