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Quick Function Listing

   ABOXASK()       Pop up a centered message box using array of messages.
   ACRONYM()       Convert a text string to its abbreviated acronym.
   ADIM2()         Formulate a two dimension reference to a linear array.
   ALIST()         List the elements of an array in a screen window.
   ALPHADATE()     Convert date variables to alphabetic format.
   ANYCHARSIN()    Test if any characters in a string are in another.
   ARRAYLEN()      Count the number of contiguous elements in an array.
   ATINSAY()       Display expression at in a specified color.
   BARMENU()       Create horizontal light bar menus.
   BEEP()          Ring the system bell one or more times.
   BIN2DEC()       Convert binary number to its equivalent decimal value.
   BLIP()          Generate a blipping sound for warnings or errors.
   BORDERBOX()     Draw a box with a one line title area at the top.
   BOXASK()        Pop up a centered message box using multiple messages.
   BOXMENU()       Create boxed framed highlight bar (pop up) menus.
   BRIGHT()        Convert Clipper color string to its bright equivalent.
   BUZZ()          Generate a buzzing sound for warnings or errors.
   CALENDAR()      Pop up a configurable calendar on the screen.
   CATF()          Copy array values to database fields.
   CENTER()        Center a string and/or get the center position.
   CFTA()          Copy database field values to an array.
   CHANGED()       Test if memory copies of fields have been changed.
   CHECKFILE()     Verify valid filenames, optionally pop up a pick list.
   CLOSEAREA()     Close multiple database work areas with one command.
   DBFCREATE()     Dynamically create a database from a structure array.
   DEC2HEX()       Convert decimal numeric value to a hexadecimal string.
   DECRYPTED()     Decrypt a character string encrypted with ENCRYPTED().
   DIVIDE()        Divide numbers with divide by zero protection.
   ENCRYPTED()     Encrypt a character string.
   FEOF()          Test for the End Of File status on a binary file.
   FILEDATE()      Retrieve last update date for a given file from DOS.
   FILES()         Test for the existence of multiple files.
   FILESIZE()      Retrieve the size of a file from DOS directory.
   FILETIME()      Retrieve the last update time for a given file.
   FORGET()        Release field variables created with MEMORIZE().
   FPROMPT()       Display formatted and highlighted prompt strings.
   FREADLINE()     Read line from text file opened with FOPEN()/FCREATE()
   FRESTSCREEN()   Restore screen from a file saved with FSAVESCREEN().
   FSAVESCREEN()   Save screen to file to restore with FRESTSCREEN().
   GETFILE()       Full featured user dialogue box for GETing filenames.
   GETKEY()        Replace INKEY() to allow internal customization.
   GETPARM()       Retrieve comma delimited token from character string.
   HEX2DEC()       Convert hex string to equivalent decimal value.
   ISDBF()         Test if a file is a valid .DBF format database file.
   ISFIELD()       Test if a field name is valid in the selected area.
   KEYINPUT()      Get keyboard input optionally echoing dots to screen.
   MAKEALIAS()     Construct a database alias from a full filename.
   MARKREC()       Mark/select multiple records from a pick list.
   MEMORIZE()      Save fields from database record to memory variables.
   MIDDLE()        Center string by padding with leading/trailing spaces.
   MREPLACE()      Replace fields with memvars created with MEMORIZE().
   MULTIMENU()     Create multi-column menus with 4 way cursor movement.
   NAMESPLIT()     Swap from First Middle Last to Last, First Middle.
   NO_APPEND()     Network append blank function with error trapping.
   NO_FLOCK()      Network file lock function with error trapping.
   NO_RLOCK()      Network record lock function with error trapping.
   NOTEMPTY()      Validate that data was entered in a field.
   NTXKEYVAL()     Get controlling index key value of the current record.
   OLDERFILE()     Determine the older of two disk files.
   OPENED()        Open multiple databases with network error checking.
   PARENT()        Retrieve parent directory for a specified directory.
   PATHTO()        Search DOS path for path leading to a given filename.
   PDOWNINIT()     Initialize the PDOWNMENU() function for use.
   PDOWNMENU()     Activate pull-down menu initialized with PDOWNINIT().
   PICKCOLOR()     Pick a color setting from a boxed display.
   PICKFILE()      Pop up directory listing from which to select a file.
   PICKREC()       Pop up a scrollable pick list of database records.
   POPBOX()        Restore a screen from a SAYINBOX() screen variable.
   POPUPPICK()     Generic pop-up pick list handler.
   PRINTCODE()     Convert text printer codes into escape sequences.
   QUERY()         Create a logical query/filter string via menu prompts.
   REPORTINIT()    Initialize StartReport() databases.
   REVDATE()       Reverse date fields for reverse index ordering.
   RH_HEADER()     Retrieve the header from a RHELP compiled help file.
   RH_LINES()      Get the number of text lines within a help text block.
   RH_TEXT()       Extract help text for a key from compiled .HLP file.
   RH_WIDTH()      Get the maximum line width within a help text block.
   RJUSTIFY()      Move trailing blanks to the front.
   RLIBERROR()     Return and optionally set the last RLIB error number.
   RLIBINIT()      Initialize internal RLIB PUBLIC/STATIC variable(s).
   RLIBVER()       Retrieve the version number of the RLIB.LIB linked.
   SAYINBOX()      Pop up centered message box using multiple messages.
   SETCURSOR()     Retrieve and optionally set the current cursor state.
   STARTREPORT()   General report format and print control function.
   STR2DATE()      Convert date strings to a Clipper date type variable.
   STRETCH()       Pad string with blanks or truncate to a defined width.
   TARGET()        Provide a pop-up target printer output selection menu.
   TEMPFILE()      Generate a temporary filename.
   TYPEC()         Test if a PUBLIC/PRIVATE is character and not blank.
   VALTYPEC()      Test if a LOCAL/STATIC is character and not blank.
   VRANGE()        Numeric range validation with error handling.

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