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RLIBERROR() Code Listing

   CODE  INDICATION                                         
      0  Normal completion, no error occurred.
   1002  Non-character type or no parameter passed to ISFIELD()
   1003  Non-array type or no parameter passed to ARRAYLEN()
   1004  Non-array type or no parameter passed to ABOXASK()
   1005  Non-character type, empty, or no parameter passed to ACRONYM()
   1006  Non-numeric type, none, or partial parameters passed to ADIM2()
   1007  Non-array type or no parameter passed to ALIST()
   1008  Non-date type parameter passed to ALPHADATE()
   1009  Non-character or insufficient parameters passed to ANYCHARSIN()
   1010  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to ATINSAY()
   1011  Non-array type or no parameter passed to BARMENU()
   1012  Non-character type or no parameter passed to BIN2DEC()
   1013  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to BORDERBOX()
   1014  Non-character type or no parameter passed to BOXASK()
   1015  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to BOXMENU()
   1016  Invalid or insufficient parameters (1-5) passed to PDOWNINIT()
   1017  Mismatched array element count in parameter 2 & 3 to PDOWNINIT()
   1018  No field array provided and no database selected in QUERY()
   1019  Non character value in names/fields array in QUERY()
   1020  Invalid expression in fields array in QUERY()
   1021  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to DBFCREATE()
   1022  Non-numeric type or no parameter passed to FREADLINE()
   1023  Non-character type or no parameter passed to MAKEALIAS()
   1024  Non-array type or no parameter passed to CATF() or CFTA()
   1025  No database selected in CATF() or CFTA()
   1026  Array or first/last out of bounds in CATF() or CFTA()
   1027  No database selected in CHANGED()
   1028  No database selected or no fields in MEMORIZE()
   1029  First or last out of bounds in MEMORIZE()
   1030  PUBLIC variable undeclared or wrong type in CHANGED()
   1031  No database selected or no fields in MREPLACE()
   1032  First or last out of bounds in MREPLACE()
   1033  PUBLIC variable undeclared or wrong type in MREPLACE()
   1034  Non-character type or no parameter passed to CHECKFILE()
   1035  Non-numeric type or no parameter passed to DEC2HEX()
   1036  Non-character type or no parameter passed to DECRYPTED()
   1037  Non-character type or no parameter passed to ENCRYPTED()
   1038  Non-numeric type, none, or partial parameters passed to DIVIDE()
   1039  Non-numeric type or no parameter passed to FEOF()
   1040  Non-character type or no parameter passed to FILEDATE()
   1041  Non-character type or no parameter passed to FILETIME()
   1042  Non-character type or no parameter passed to FILESIZE()
   1043  Non-character type or no parameter passed to FILES()
   1044  No database selected or no fields in FORGET()
   1045  First or last out of bounds in FORGET()
   1046  Non-character type or no parameter passed to SAYINBOX()
   1047  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to GETPARM()
   1048  Non-character type or no parameter passed to HEX2DEC()
   1049  Non-character type or no parameter passed to ISDBF()
   1050  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to PICKREC()
   1051  Non-character type or no parameter passed to MIDDLE()
   1052  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to MULTIMENU()
   1053  Invalid window coordinates or array length in MULTIMENU()
   1054  Non-character type or no parameter passed to NAMESPLIT()
   1055  Invalid or non-existent alias passed to NO_FLOCK()
   1056  Invalid or non-existent alias passed to NO_RLOCK()
   1057  No parameter passed to NOTEMPTY()
   1058  Non-character or insufficient parameters passed to OLDERFILE()
   1059  Non-character type or no parameter passed to PATHTO()
   1060  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to POPUPPICK()
   1061  Non-character type or no parameter passed to PRINTCODE()
   1062  Invalid type or no parameter passed to RH_HEADER()
   1063  Error opening file in RH_HEADER()
   1064  Invalid format in file given to RH_HEADER() (missing signature)
   1065  Invalid type or no parameter passed to RH_HEADER()
   1066  Error opening file in RH_TEXT()
   1067  Error reading file in RH_TEXT()
   1068  Non-character type or no help key parameter passed to RH_TEXT()
   1069  Error opening file in RH_WIDTH()
   1070  Invalid type or no parameter passed to RH_WIDTH()
   1071  Non-character type or no help key parameter passed to RH_WIDTH()
   1072  Error opening file in RH_LINES()
   1073  Invalid type or no parameter passed to RH_LINES()
   1074  Non-character type or no help key parameter passed to RH_LINES()
   1075  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to MARKREC()
   1076  Non-date type parameter passed to REVDATE()
   1077  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to STRETCH()
   1078  Non-character type or no parameter passed to RJUSTIFY()
   1079  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to PDOWNMENU()
   1080  Non-character type or no parameter passed to STR2DATE()
   1081  Invalid date string parameter passed to STR2DATE()
   1082  Error opening REPORTS.DBF or PRINTERS.DBF in STARTREPORT()
   1083  Error locking REPORTS.DBF or PRINTERS.DBF in STARTREPORT()
   1084  Invalid or insufficient parameters passed to VRANGE()
   1085  Append file not found in DBFCREATE()
   1086  Error opening file in ISDBF()
   1101  Function OPENED() - File sharing violation
   1102  Function OPENED() - Database .DBF file not found
   1103  Function OPENED() - Associated .NTX file not found
   1104  Function OPENED() - Associated .DBT file not found (future use)
   1105  Function OPENED() - Invalid alias name or other syntax error
   1106  Function OPENED() - More than seven index files specified
   1107  Function OPENED() - More than 10 parameters specified

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