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  Syntax:   Sx_SetTrigger( <nAction> [,<cTriggerName>] )

         nAction = A numeric value indicating the action to be taken with
                   the currently active or specified trigger function.
                   These values are defined as manifest constants in the
                   SIXCDX.CH file, and are as follows:

                     TRIGGER_ENABLE   = Activate an installed trigger
                     TRIGGER_DISABLE  = Deactivate an installed trigger
                     TRIGGER_REMOVE   = Uninstall an installed trigger
                     TRIGGER_INSTALL  = Install a new trigger function.
                                        A newly installed trigger automatic-
                                        ally uninstalls any previously
                                        installed trigger.  The new trigger
                                        also becomes ENABLEd automatically.

                   NOTE:  Although these constants preprocess into numeric
                          values, you should not use the numeric values in
                          your source code.  Instead, you should use the
                          constants, as defined above.  This will insure
                          compatibility with all future releases of the
                          SIx Driver.

    cTriggerName = Optional name of a trigger function to install.  This
                   parameter is only required if the first parameter is

  Returns:  The currently active trigger name.

  Description:  This function allows the developer to activate (or install)
                a function to handle each triggerable event.  This is
                done by using the TRIGGER_INSTALL constant as the first
                parameter, and passing the new function name as the second
                parameter.  The specified function would then handle all
                subsequent triggerable events for that workarea, until it is
                disabled or uninstalled.

                An installed trigger function can be temporarily disabled,
                by using the TRIGGER_DISABLE constant.  This would result
                in all triggerable events being controlled by the default
                actions in Sx_DefTrigger().

                A disabled trigger function can be reactivated by using the
                TRIGGER_ENABLE constant.

                To totally remove a previously installed trigger function,
                use the TRIGGER_REMOVE constant.


       The following example uses a custom trigger function that handles
       special operations for two different events:

        1.  Looks for and, if found, reads in a <cDBFname>.INI file for
            each database file that is opened.  (See the ".INI Files"
            section for more details on their use.)

        2.  Prompts the user for a password upon opening a data file.  If
            the password is not kosher, it transfers trigger control to a
            different user-defined trigger function "LimitTrig()".  (The
            source for LimitTrig() is not shown.)

        3.  Displays an "Are you sure?" message whenever a ZAP command is

    #include "INKEY.CH"
    #include "SIXCDX.CH"

    Sx_SetPass( "Pengo" )
    USE test VIA "SIXCDX" TRIGGER "CustomTrig"

    FUNC CustomTrig( nEvent, nArea, nFieldPos, xTrigVal )

       LOCAL nKey := 0, cPassWord := Space(10)
       LOCAL GetList := {}

       DO CASE

          CASE nEvent == EVENT_PREUSE

             _sx_INIinit( nArea )         // Read in .INI file information

             @ MaxRow(),0 SAY "PASSWORD:" GET cPassWord

             IF LastKey() == K_ESC .or. cPassWord != "FooBar"
                Sx_SetTrigger( TRIGGER_INSTALL, "LimitTrig" )

          CASE nEvent == EVENT_ZAP

             nKey := Alert( "ZAP : Are you sure?", {"Yes","No"} )
             if nKey == 1
                Return( .T. )  // Okay to ZAP
                Return( .F. )  // Don't ZAP


    Return( .T. )

See Also: Sx_DefTrigger()

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