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Syntax:     MLCOUNT(<expC>[, <expN1>][,<expN2>][,<expL>])

Purpose:    To count the number of word-wrapped lines in a character
            string or a memo field.

Arguments:  <expC> is the character string or memo field.

            <expN1> is the number of characters per line.  The
            default is 79, the maximum is 254, and the minimum is four.

            <expN2> is the tab size.  The default is four.  If
            <expN2> is greater than or equal to <expN1>, then the tab
            size is <expN1> - 1.

            <expL> toggles word wrap on and off.  Specifying true
            (.T.) toggles word wrap on; false (.F.) toggles it off.  The
            default is true (.T.).

            Note that most arguments are optional.  To skip an argument
            and specify further arguments, pass a dummy argument for the
            argument you wish to skip.

Returns:    An integer numeric value.

            MLCOUNT() returns the number of lines in <expC> based on the
            number of characters per line (<expN1>), the tab size
            (<expN2>), and wrapping behavior (<expL>).

            If <expL> is true (.T.) and an end-of-line position breaks a
            word, it is word-wrapped to the next line and the next line
            begins with that word.  If <expL> is false (.F.), MLCOUNT()
            counts the number of characters specified by the line width
            (<expN1>) as the current line.  The next line begins with
            the character following the next hard or soft carriage
            return.  This means that the intervening characters are

Usage:      MLCOUNT() is primarily used with MEMOLINE() to format memo
            fields or long character strings for printing.  To do this,
            first use MLCOUNT() to return the number of word-wrapped
            lines.  Then, using MEMOLINE() to extract each line, loop
            through the memo field one line at a time until there are no
            lines left.

            See MEMOLINE() for an expanded discussion.

Library:    EXTEND.LIB

----------------------------------- Example --------------------------------

   count = MLCOUNT(memo, 40)
   ? count


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