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Syntax:     DISPLAY [OFF] [<scope>] <exp list> [FOR <condition>]
            [WHILE <condition>] [TO PRINT] [TO FILE <file>/(<expC>)]

Purpose:    To sequentially access records in the current work area,
            displaying the result of one or more expressions for each
            record processed.

Argument:   <exp list> is the list of values displayed for each
            record processed.

Options:    Scope: The <scope> is the portion of the current
            database file to DISPLAY.  The default is the current
            record.  If a condition is specified the scope becomes ALL.

            Condition: The FOR clause specifies the conditional set
            of records to DISPLAY within the given scope.  The WHILE
            clause specifies the set of records meeting the condition
            from the current record until the condition fails.

            Off: The OFF clause suppresses the display of the record

            Print: The TO PRINT clause echoes output to the printer.

            File: The TO FILE clause echoes output to the specified
            filename.  If an extension is not specified, (.txt) is

Usage:      DISPLAY sends the results of the <exp list> to the screen in
            a tabular format, each column separated by a space.  Unlike
            other dialects, however, it does not display column headers
            or pause at predetermined intervals.  DISPLAY is identical
            to LIST with the exception that its default scope is NEXT 1
            rather than ALL.

Library:    CLIPPER.LIB

----------------------------------- Examples -------------------------------

   USE Sales
   DISPLAY DATE(), TIME(), Branch
   DISPLAY Branch, Salesman FOR Amount > 500 TO PRINT

   To interrupt a DISPLAY, use INKEY() as a part of the condition as

   USE Sales
   DISPLAY Branch, Salesman, Amount FOR INKEY() <> 27

See Also: LIST

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